
Thursday, June 4, 2015

You Welcome!

One thing that burns my britches is when I feel unappreciated. Now mind you, I'm not a "send-you-a- thank-you-card-in-the-mail" kind of person, but I am verbally expressive. So, I'll tell you in person; I'll give you a call or shoot you a text or even send an email. I say thank you for everything. However, when there is an occasion where a person should, out of sheer manners, say "thank you", and they don't, it gets under my skin. For example, my sons hold the door for me everywhere we go. Well, out of the politeness that is in them, they'll also hold the door for passersby who follow behind. Most people say thank you of course, but one particular time, it really burned me up! My oldest son held the door for an entire family of 8 and not nare one of their ungrateful behinds told him thank you. Now he's a nice kid, so he wasn't tripping. But being the mama bear that I am, after the last person passed through without uttering one word of thanks, I said in a haughty tone and an intentionally loud voice (without a proper verb thus forming a complete fragment), "You Welcome!". *lips curled, eyes rolled, neck snapped, lips smacked*

How many of us can honestly say we are the same way? We want to be appreciated. We get frustrated when our boss doesn't recognize our going above and beyond by simply saying thanks. We get irritated with our significant other when he or she starts to take our daily contributions for granted. We get annoyed by our children when they begin to complain and beg and whine and just act like ungrateful little brats. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Funny thing is, most of us don't take the time to properly thank the Big Guy.

There are mornings that I'm not even rushing out of the house. I'm piddling around in my robe, daydreaming about how awesome it's going to be when I win the lottery. I'll leave the house and go a whole day at work without thanking God for: waking me up, starting me on my way, keeping me in perfect health and peace of mind, protecting my home and my family as we slept. providing me safe travels into work, keeping my students and I safe at work...the list wouldn't stop. There are times I'm starving like Marvin (whoever he is), and I'll dive fork first into my plate (or sack depending on the day) forgetting to thank God for the meal itself, the hands who prepared it, the nourishment to my body, the access to food and the ability to purchase or prepare it. There are times that I am so ungrateful to God...and these are just the small things!

There is someone reading this today who has forgotten just how much God has done in your life. There is someone reading this today who has never even thought to give God thanks for the things He's done. There are those of us reading this that are simply spoiled brats because our daddy is always taking care of us. He's always providing. He's always protecting. He's always redeeming. He gives us gifts daily. He showers us with tokens of love and affection. And we have the nerve to not even say thank you?!?!?

We are told to give thanks so many times in His Word. No matter what we are going through we are to, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) No matter what we are doing, we are told, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17) At every waking moment of every waking day, we should be, "Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 5:20)

God has done so much for us. I pray that we understand how grateful we should be. I pray that we try our hardest to show gratitude and appreciation to the Lord through our works, our faith, and our simple prayers of thanksgiving. I pray that we honor what He's done for us, day in and day out, by simply saying, "Thank You." Be Blessed. XOXO

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