
Friday, April 6, 2018


So I gotta be honest. I've never really understood cheerleading. I just don't really get it. You get all cute, wear a little skirt, jump and holler? Maybe the unawakened womanist in me was the source. Maybe the fact that my family couldn't afford it. Long story short, I never really saw the point. but I did gain  a new appreciation for them as our basketball team made a short-lived run for the state title my Senior year.

Over the years, it often seemed that cheerleaders were way more amped and excited to cheer at the boys' games because basically...they were. Hair done. Nails done. Everything did! But at the girls' games, the aesthetics weren't always as appealing, the cheering just wasn't quite as loud,  and the enthusiasm was a bit lower. However, there were a few cheerleaders who ALWAYS stood out. They were LOUD as hell at each and every game, no matter WHO was playing. I remember there being times that it seemed we weren't going to pull it out, but somehow those voices encouraged the others on the cheer squad and they were able to help push us to a win. We would stand at the free throw line, all eyes on us, and hear, "Look who's at the free throw liiiiine, she is a friend of miiiiiinnneeee...Shanelle heeeeeeyyyyy, sink it, sink it, sink it!" Make or miss, it was encouraging to hear those voices. Even as a hush fell over the rest of the crowd, the cheerleaders were encouraging us, believing in us, rooting for us to win.  Although we lost in the semi-finals, we had a good season that year, and I'd be remiss if I didn't attribute a small part of that success to our cheerleaders.

In this funny thing called life, we all need cheerleaders. Those people who put on their best selves to simply stand in our corner. They aren't competing with us, they are riding with us. They aren't secretly wishing for our demise. Instead, they want us to win, sometimes seemingly more than we do! Our life cheerleaders are our encouragers. When the chips are down, when the odds are stacked against us, when it doesn't seem that we'll pull it out, here they come, pom poms out, jumping and hollering on our behalf. Sometimes this looks like a text message that says, "You got this," Or a phone call that says, "It'll get better," or "You'll figure it out," or "What do you need me to do?"

In life, our cheerleaders are male and female, old and young, at home and abroad. They are the people who want nothing but the best for us. They are the ones who will stand in the fold with us, during the good and the bad, pushing us on to victory. And even when we lose, they don't quit. They don't regret having been there for the journey. Shoot, they often start the pre-cheering for the next game with a "You'll get'em next time," or "They won't be ready for you when you come back." God gives us cheerleaders to keep us motivated, to push us on, to keep us going. There's an old saying, "All you need is one cheerleader." It's true. As long as you have one, you will never truly be defeated. The next time you face a loss, look past the stands and toward your cheer squad. Receive their smiles, their jumps, their cheers. Be it this time or the next, with them on your side, you ALWAYS win. Be Blessed XOXO

Wrench in the Plan

You ever have plans and they just get shot to hell in a millisecond? You PLAN to go to the grocery store after work only for your boss to call a last-minute meeting that runs long and there went that! You PLAN to wash a load of towels while preparing breakfast only to find that there is no more laundry detergent and the eggs are expired. You PLAN to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month, yet the month is over and scale went the opposite direction!?

Over the past few months, I've come really close to giving up on having any type of plan for life. Like seriously. It's almost like I'd rather just fly by the seat of my pants. That way, I will not even set myself up for the frustration or disappointment that comes from foiled plans!

The other day, while leaving the gym, I got a speeding ticket. It was so fitting for the way things had been working out, that it only made sense for me to experience yet another wrench in my plans. When the officer asked me if I knew why she stopped me, I said, "Yep." She asked for license and registration and I started laughing. She asked what was funny, I said, "Oh nothing, just the fact that I left my insurance card on the kitchen counter. Of ALLLLLL the days!" I cupped my forehead in the palm of my head, began a series of SMH, and burst out laughing all over again. The officer couldn't help herself and joined in my laughter.

Officer (laughing with or at me, not quite sure which): "That kind of day already? It's not even 9 AM!"
Me (laughing to keep from crying): That kind of day? GIRL! Try that kind of LIFE!

She left to officially write my ticket. I would normally be seething with either anger or irritation in moments like this, but if there is one thing I'm truly starting to embrace it's that there will OFTEN be a wrench in any of the plans I have. It's life. I honestly can't control much of it, but I can control my reaction, each and every time.

When things don't go according to plan, it's annoying as hell. But reacting with nothing but negativity only makes things worse. Especially when the Word tells us that God knows the plans He has for us. His plans. Not ours. So, it only makes sense that sometimes our plans have to be interrupted because it's not about us. Now this is by no means a green light to go through life without plans, but it is advice to try your best to be okay when those plans don't always pan out. God is intentional, in everything, even when we don't quite get it. So, the next time life throws you a curve ball, try your best to remember that your plans may have to change in order for God's plans to play out. Go with the flow and Be Blessed. XOXO

Raindrop many of you actually said "drop top" right after reading the title? No judgement! I would have definitely done the same thing! However, this post is headed in a slightly different direction! 

The onset (not Offset) of Spring brings lots of water. 'Tis the season for many rainy days and stormy nights... 

The other day, while leaving the RedBox, it began to rain. As I sat in my car waiting for a kiosk to free up, I just stared out at it. I noticed that on my car, many of the drops were beading up and sitting almost singularly on my hood. Others were stopped short and trapped in the gutter of Walgreens, joining together to create a steady stream falling from the gutters of the store. Some were stuck on the leaves of trees and plants, but later tossed about by the blowing wind. Many others, although they came down as one drop, all alone, joined a number of other drops to form various puddles around the parking lot. It made me think about how some of us operate in life, how we move, and what the impact is. 

Years ago, there was a catchy little diddy called Make me Better, that stated, "I'm a movement by myself, but I'm a force when we're together." This is what the rain is. A single drop can only do so much. But when those drops join together, their impact is that much greater. They form steady streams, small puddles, creeks, and ponds. The more they come together the more visible they are, the more space they take up, the more they can do or become. 

It's no different in the Spirit. So often, we focus on the things that make us different. The things we disagree about become the barrier to us doing and becoming more. The truth of the matter is that all of us came into this world alone. Even if you are a twin only one of ya'll came out the chute at once, so let's just call it true: EVERYONE comes into the world alone! But if it were intended for us to stay that way, God probably would have created billions of planets so that we could each have our own!

When trying to give hope, to change lives, to increase the impact of what can be done in the Spirit, none of us is greater alone. Each of us have our own ideas, our own experiences, our own lives that will all play a part in changing the world. Sometimes, it can be more convenient and even comfortable to go at it alone, but there is power in numbers! So, make an effort to connect with the ones who can increase your impact and lengthen your reach. Go ahead. Gather your drops, form a puddle, make a splash and Be Blessed XOXO


When time and rest permit, my husband likes to lay on me. Most of the time, he opts for my thighs, which make perfect sense. However, there are times that he will lay his head on my chest which I think is hilarious! Why? Because I have ABSOLUTELY no pillows in that area! I mean I'm not quite the President of the ITBC, but I'm at least the Corresponding Secretary! So, we joke about this often. He'll lay his head there (on my sternum I guess?) and I'm like, "Now you know you ain't getting no cushion." To which he'll reply, "I know..." and draw me closer to him (as if that will make them somehow morph into D-cups).

But the other day, I paused to think about the closeness of this position. When I lie on his chest, his heartbeat soothes me to sleep. My children, when they were much smaller, would lie on their stomachs and drift to sleep on my chest, right against my heartbeat (man I miss that!). To get this close to someone, we must love and trust them. Lying so closely to them lets us know they are alive. Because we know they are present, we can rest in the sheer comfort of their existence.

That said, the word bosom is mentioned in the Bible over 50 times. It's not a very modern word, but it has very modern inclinations. The bosom is the chest, particularly the breast or pectoral. Beyond those tissues lie the lungs which maintain life with each breath we take. And even further within the chest cavity, we find the heart that sustains life with each beat. To lie in the bosom of one we love or accept someone into this space is a major act of intimacy. You are allowing them to lay where you live, to rest in your love.

This is how it is with God. When we are tired, in Him we find rest. When we are weary, in Him we find strength. Worried? Anxious? Unsure? Jealous? Annoyed? Conflicted? Whatever it is, if we trust him enough to rest in His love, we will be soothed. When the going gets tough, remember, it's not the size of the pillow, it's the impact of the love. Rest in His bosom, find peace for your soul, and Be Blessed. XOXO

Monday, April 2, 2018

Dawn of a Decade

Soooooo my oldest son turned 10 last week, and I felt some type of way. I'm basically a less than mushy mom most of the time, so I've honestly only felt this overwhelming emotion a few times. When he was born, when I went back to work, and when he started Kindergarten. However, something about this birthday put me in a space. I looked at my once chubby baby boy who is slowly morphing into this muscular young man. Where there used to be baby teeth, there are mostly adult ones. The one who used to require me to read him at least 5 bedtime stories every night is now reading to his little brother before bed. He'd rather be on his video game than engrossed in a book. He has opinions and desires and interests, many of which remind me that we are both getting older! He's on that cusp of "my mom is still pretty cool" to "my mom is super annoying." Where 10 years have gone by, only 8 more remain before he will enter the world on his own. Dude...I'm like, "What is HAPPENING!?!"

So what's the big deal with the number 10? In competition, 10 is normally the highest score one can receive. Most of us have 10 fingers and 10 toes. A basketball goal is 10 feet above the court.  A dime is worth 10 cent. Numerically, 10 symbolizes the completion of a cycle. Spiritually, 10 is a number of perfection, God's completion, and the opportunity for new beginnings.

However, in this world, I'll be honest, 10 made me even more worried for his safety. Tamir was 10 plus 1, Emmett was 10 plus 4, Trayvon was 10 plus 7. None of these young me lived to see their 10 doubled, tripled, or beyond. My son is brilliant and beautiful and worthy of regard as a human being. But we live in a world where that's not always the outcome. He's getting older and I have to let him grow and explore and learn and discover, but there are the looming concerns about his LIFE as he does so.

Raising black boys is not an easy task by any means. There is so much to make sure they know, so much to try to keep them from, while making sure they are properly equipped at the same time. Yet, this I know. God has purposed both of my sons. I can't say with certainty what those purposes are, but this I know: All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes.

As my son officially becomes a tween, teetering on teenage years and headed full throttle into young adulthood, I know that he will encounter some uncomfortable situations. I know that his father and I will have to engage him in difficult conversations. I know that things will not always work out the way we would like. But I also know that whatever befalls him will not be in vain. God has a plan for him. One that will not be thwarted by any one. God said, "Touch not My anointed." He assures us that "No weapon formed against us will prosper." So, I know that this decade is merely the beginning of all that God has in store for my boys. It is my prayer that his light shine bright enough for the world to see, this his future be purposeful and prosperous, and that for this decade and those to come that he Be Blessed. XOXO