
Wednesday, March 30, 2016


One morning, while driving to work, I found myself stuck in the morning traffic that I sooooo dread. Although it's short-lived on my commute, it's annoying nonetheless. But every morning, I reach the place where I get over into the exit only lane that NO ONE ELSE seems to take! It's always such a relief to lift that blinker and get over into that nearly empty lane. Everyone else is headed the same way, but not me, and boy am I glad!

Funny how that sounds much like choosing God's way of life. Everyone else is going the same way. And there are times that we find ourselves as just another part of the pact. But then, there are times that we are able to break free. We choose a different way...the "high" way. Where few are brave enough to travel, and even fewer remain on the path, we find ourselves in little (if any) company.

But the world opens up to us when we make that move. Obstacles that blocked our paths for so long are no longer an obstruction. We are spending less time sitting idle, wondering about life, and more time moving toward our goals, building the kingdom. If you are finding yourself stuck in the traffic of this world, get over into the exit only lane and let the Man Upstairs clear your path! Be Blessed. XOXO

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