
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Direct Impact

Have you ever noticed that, oftentimes, people around you are hurting? I don't mean a stubbed toe or heartburn, I mean real pain. People are sick, physically and mentally. People are broke and their spirits feel robbed. People are heartbroken and desperate. People are hurting in ways we could never imagine.

Now, take a look at how you respond. Do you look forlorn with pity and go about you day? Do you say, "I'll pray for you," only to NOT pray for them? Do you avoid their calls? Do you ignore their pain? Do you even care?!?

Truthfully, humans are naturally selfish, extremely selfish! As a result, we only seem to be most concerned and bothered by those things that directly affect us. We don't seem to have a sense of urgency, unless we ourselves are direct recipients of the pain.

However, this is not aligned with God's principles. First, we are ONE in the body, so when ONE of us hurts, we ALL hurt; when ONE of us rejoices, we ALL rejoice (Romans 12:5). Secondly, we are called to treat one another how we'd WANT to be treated (Luke 6:31). Not how we FEEL like treating people, but how we WANT to be treated ourselves! If we see a brother or sister in need, we are to help them as best we can (1 John 3:17).

The classic song, "Thank you Lord", thanks God for all He's done. But at the bridge the various renditions all belt, "It could have been me...outdoors...with no food...and not clothes...all left alone...without a friend...or just another number...with a tragic end...". This is the real! It's only by God's grace that WE aren't the ones who have been directly impacted by sudden death, incurable disease, miscarriages, layoffs, divorce, financial strain, homelessness, wayward children, the list is endless with all the things that people are enduring. Some of us have been here and have overcome. Some of us are hoing through a valley experience right now and we need people's help and prayers. Others have been abundantly blessed enough to have no clue what real pain feels like.

Many of us bear witness to the struggles and pain of our fellow man and turn a blind eye because it's too emotional, time consuming, and not on our daily agenda. What if God treated you and your issues, small or large, as an inconvenience? What if your prayers fell on deaf ears? I don't know about you, but I'm glad that's not how God is set up! And quite frankly, it's not how we should be set up either. If we are truly loving our brothers and sisters as ourselves, we are affected by their pain (Mark 12:31). When things affect us, we react. If someone close to you is hurting, we should also react. If you don't know how to help, start with prayer. Pray for them. Pray for their endurance and perseverance. Pray their strength and God's will. Then, pray for yourself to have the compassion and courage to do whatever God is calling you to do in that person's life. Be a blessing to someone else and Be Blessed! XOXO

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