
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


My husband leaves today on a business trip. He travels again next week. When this happens, our whole family routine is disrupted. The boys and I wake up earlier, go to bed later, and ALWAYS manage to leave something very important at home! It's like life as we know it no longer exists...until he gets back.

Some of us know this feeling. We find ourselves living a life of disarray. We are cursing more. We are drinking more. We are unhappy at work. We argue more at home. We doubt. We fear. We lack faith. On any given day, life as we know it seems to have become a distant memory. Why? Because we're away from God.

When we are away from God, we are not ourselves. Tasks become more difficult. People become more annoying. Emotions become more overwhelming. Life gets harder...but there is hope.

Reconnecting with God is simple. First, pray. Prayer isn't this long soliloquy. It can be this simple: Help me Lord; Thank you Lord; or I love you Lord. After you pray, ease your way into meditation and quiet time. This doesn't have to be the longest process, so use whatever time you have. (Not to give ya TMI, but most days mine is in the AM in the RR. Hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!) Lastly, try to connect to friends and counterparts who give you godly counsel and encouragement. This part is huge! If we are constantly surrounded by people who lack faith and love and God, we are cheating ourselves out of God's vessels of light and love that can make all the difference between us growing closer to God or us keeping Him at bay.

Someone reading this has had a spiritual disruption. I get it. I've been there more times than I can count. Here is the hope: God is waiting for your return. He wants to piece back together all that seems scattered. He wants to renew you and give you fresh perspective. He loves you. He'll never leave you nor forsake you. So, try opening up to Him today. Be Blessed. XOXO

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