
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


One Sunday, while gathering for our weekly ritual of all-day football, the boys took unopened birthday gifts to the Ross's home to play. As we read the instructions and begged for batteries, my nephew Braydon warned Kaleb and I that he probably wouldn't be able to play with his drone at the house. His mother came out later and said that after her attempt with Braydon's drone , she decided to take him to the park instead. Hearing their words, we set the dial in the center from expert to beginner and the boys decided to give it a try in the backyard. Unable to get it to work, they opted for something different to do until it could reach a full charge.

A little later, the other Smithboyz show up, and now it was time to show off. Kaleb and Braydon go back in to grab their drones so they can show Jaden. No sooner than Kaleb is able to get his off the ground, it gets stuck in a tree...where? In the friggin' front yard! I go outside and see that it is WAAAAYYY UP *in my Big Sean voice*. The drone is stuck in the branches of heaven, so I simply tell my wonderful offspring: That's what happens when you try to show off and don't follow directions. He'd turned the dial to expert and had flown the device in the FRONT yard instead of the BACK as we discussed. I went back in the house unbothered. Kaleb sat on the steps feeling defeated.

Braydon reminded him, "I told you that was gonna happen."
"Well, you just shouldn't flew it up there. That's yo fault," said Jaden.
"Rub it in why don't ya," Kaleb sighed.
"It's okay Kaleb," said Micah. "The wind gonna blow it down okay?"
"No it's not..."

Meanwhile, in the house, Darnell asked me what was going on. I told him. He and TJ, the host, upset that the 49ers were taking a beating, felt that half-time was the best opportunity to go assess the situation. Soon after, all the men were outside squinting to see the small toy dangling from the highest branch imaginable. Then, the contest begans. They all started taking turns, throwing a football into the tree, trying to knock the thing loose. They all failed...time and time again. Although the level of entertainment was unforgettable, the men soon returned to the house to enjoy "real" football.

When the afternoon games ended, TJ, who also happens to be Kaleb's godfather, went back outside to give it another try. He was relentless. I couldn't understand why he cared so much. I'm sure part of it was ego; he wanted to be the hero and THE guy to say he had the best arm and the best aim. But another part of it was just the love he has for the kids; his godson's toy was stuck in a tree, and he was gonna get it down...even if it might have meant icy hot on his shoulder the next few days. His efforts were not in vain. He said, "Okay this my last time, if it don't come down this time, I'm done." He launched the football one last time and down came the drone.

Isn't that like God? When we put ourselves in situations that He warned us to stay away from, he is always there to bail us out. When we find ourselves stuck in the trees of life, unable to break free from the strongholds of low self-esteem, sexual deviance, financial woes, depression, or substance abuse, he fights to get us down. When other people remind us of our sin, He forigves. When everyone else abandons us, He is ever-present. He is relentless to get us down, to set us free, to be the hero. He is God...our Father, and no matter what we do, or how high up we find ourselves, He will always bring us back to Him. Be Blessed. XOXO

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