
Friday, February 10, 2017

The Good, the bad, and the ugly

When you're around someone long enough, they begin to rub off on you. You find yourself saying things they say, viewing things like them, and even doing things they do. When my husband I first started dating, I didn't watch ESPN at all! Now? I can name about 3/4 of the shows and even make some Top Ten calls while watching live sports! He didn't make the bed in the morning, now it looks like hotel room service has stopped by. But, being completely honest, I have to also admit that I've passed some not so great things to him and him to me.

Now, there are those of us who are head-strong and believe that everything we do and say is all on us. You know....the "can't-nobody-tell-me-nothing" type. People see them as leaders and perceive that they blaze their own paths, which is kiiiiinndda true...and kiiiiinnnda not. The truth is, whether good or bad, EVERYONE is a creature of influence. EVERYONE! Our parents, our partners, our peers, all play a role in what we think, do, and say, no matter how head-strong we may be.

Faith is no different. Sometimes, all it takes, is for us to simply witness someone else remain faithful before we find ourselves influenced to hope, to trust, to believe. We all have our own stuff to deal with, but we don't always have the strongest faith. As I look back over my son lying on that operating table, I thought back to the faith I witnessed my mom have when my sister's lung collapsed. I saw the faith my friend Tamisha's mother had when her teenage daughter was oddly diagnosed with cancer. I recalled the faith of my cousin Brandy as she watched her newborn son come in and out of life, only to be walking around and eating up everything now! Knowing that moms around me had been scared and caught off guard, but were able to find strength in simply trusting God rubbed off on me.

Witnessing people around you endure the toughest of tests, but somehow have the faith to go forth, to trust, to believe...that's  contagious. You've been through some things, and for some of those experiences, you have no idea how you made it. But God. Somebody was watching you. Your faith rubbed off on someone else and gave them the strength to carry on. When the going gets tough, ignite your faith and let it spread like wildfire. Be faithful and Be Blessed XOXO

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