
Thursday, December 3, 2015


Last month, I saw students of color at the infamous University of Missouri come together to combat growing racial issues. I saw students who were not "of color" join to assist their cause. I saw a SMART student protest...EFFECTIVE collective bargaining...SWIFT results.

To hear people refer to these students as "entitled brats" who threw "tantrums" to get their way is beyond absurd. These same people are the off-spring of the type of entitlement that raped, pillaged, and plundered lands across the globe because they felt "entitled" enough to steal, kill, and oppress. To the extent that the people who originally inhabited these lands now sit at the low-end of the totem pole in terms of class, economics, and opportunities, the real question becomes: How then are THESE STUDENTS the "entitled brats"? A better description of them would be scholars who took an courageous approach to effect necessary change.

It's funny to me that when white students ransack the local community after a huge sports victory by flipping cars and flashing boobs, they are "having a good time". But when black students band together to fight against injustice and racism, THEY are the entitled brats?!? I was then faced with seeing social media outlandishly slander these young protesters to the extent that their very lives were publicly threatened! It upset me to no end! Coming on the heels of a young, black girl being berated for her disobedience instead of defended because she was abused. Only to be followed by yet another execution of a black male by a trigger-happy uniformed officer!

It was too much. It is too much. As a black woman in America, raising black sons, it is overwhelming to see the level of racial hatred in this country. And then, for people who have no idea what it's like to be placed in a state of constant defense and questionable safety to feel like it's their given right to speak shamelessly about someone else's children who are doing the RIGHT thing by a) standing up for what they believe in and b) doing so peaceably, is nothing less than unnerving!

However, it is important to note that this is why Historically Black Colleges and Universities are relevant. THIS is why it is important for our scholars to see the value within the walls of institutions founded FOR us. The same way that those football players could have cost MU over $1 million by choosing not to play, they could have brought that and more to an HBCU by choosing one of them from the start. You see the football team joining the fight was a smart, tactical, FISCAL move. But it also said a lot about the potential...What if black athletes were to stand collectively to take their talents to HBCUs? How would the NCAA change? How would the financial bottom lines at HBCUs be altered? The answer is obvious.

Two lessons come out of the University of Missouri protests: 1) Collective efforts can effect change no matter how long-standing the ills have been and 2) HBCUs are still a relevant topic of post-secondary conversation worthy of consideration by ALL black scholars, especially the collective of talented black athletes. When our African American forefathers survived the perils of slavery and with the help of various clergymen and philanthropists were able to start their own institutions of higher learning, their goal was for black scholars to ALWAYS have a place to learn, to ALWAYS know their place in society, to ALWAYS be able to come back home.

In Matthew 18:20, the Word states, "Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am with them." When Jonathan Butler decided enough was enough, he sparked a flame. Before long, black students were joining his ranks in protest against racial unrest. And then...the mighty blow...the football team. These young people GATHERED to commit themselves to rectify unhealthy racial relationships and change the accepted norm on their campus. Imagine the effect of black scholars, in mass numbers, GATHERED in the name of education, as well as the salvation of beloved institutions that have ALWAYS been there for them. Sounds like a perfect welcome party for the Lord Himself! Be Blessed. XOXO

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