Do you ever find yourself focused on the wrong things? I know I do. There are times when all I can see is what ISN'T, giving no attention to what IS. I could give a million examples of this, but the one I'll focus on for today is my wardrobe. First, as we all now know, I have way more clothes than one woman needs. Yet somehow, when a special event is coming my way, I often find myself stating the most ridiculous phrase: "I have nothing to wear." REALLY?!? Lies I tell! There is plenty there for me to wear; however, I find myself focusing more on what ISN'T in my closet than what actually IS!
This happens ALL THE TIME in more serious aspects of our real lives. There are times that many of us spend all of our energy, exhausting ourselves, focusing on what we don't have or what we can't do or who is not around. Instead of thanking God for the car that keeps us out of the elements or off of the bus stop, we focus on the fact that we don't have a backup camera or built-in GPS. Instead of being grateful for children who are mostly well-behaved and respectful, we focus on their lack of academic shine or athletic dominance. We have a job, but don't make enough money. We have a spouse, but he's not romantic enough or she's not spontaneous enough. We have so much to be thankful for, but all we can see is what we don't have.
Eve was guilty of this. She had a great husband. All the food, water, and beautiful scenery a girl could ask for. However, she allowed an outsider to shift her attention. Instead of seeing all that God had blessed her with, all she could focus on was what was missing. She could eat from EVERY other tree in the Garden, but that one, the ONLY one, she was supposed to stay away from caught her eye. She was obsessed with what she couldn't have, which in the grand scheme of things, makes no sense! I mean I wasn't there and there are no photos, but I'd have to guess that the ratio of trees to eat from versus trees to not eat from looked something like this-A whole bunch of other trees to ONE!
How crazy is that? We all have done this! We overlook ALL that we have because we want something specific that isn't there. This reminds me of a New Year's Eve incident between my husband and I. We were supposed to go around and tell our "highs" and "lows" for the year. When it was my turn, both of mine revolved around that guy. When it was every other couple's turn, they each mentioned something that involved one another. However, when it was my husband's turn, his responses revolved around the 49ers. C'mon Man! I was HOT! In hindsight, it may have been one of THE MOST ridiculous things for me to get upset over. Why? Because he tells me he loves me every day, literally. He attends to me and considers me most of the time. He's a good dude and a great companion more days than not. But, instead of focusing on being grateful for all the times/days/years that he's "mentioned" me, I focused on this ONE time! Who does that?!?! Clearly...this girl!
Matthew 6:22 tells us that the eye is the "lamp of the body" and that if our eyes see clearly, our whole body will be "full of light". So today, pay attention to what you are actually paying attention to. What are your eyes set to see? What you HAVE or what you DON'T? What IS or what ISN'T? WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT?
Ephesians 1:18 houses a prayer that the "eyes of the heart be enlightened" so that we will all know the "hope of His calling" and the "riches" of His glory. My prayer for us today is that we recognize all that we have been blessed with. That we don't allow outsiders to shift our focus onto what we lack. That we stand firm in the truth and knowledge that we are abundantly blessed, even when the world tries to convince us that what we have isn't enough. I pray that we all see clearly what God wants us to see, not the illusions of the world. Today, let's try our best to open our eyes to all that God HAS given us without being blinded but what He HASN'T YET. Be Blessed. XOXO
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