
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Off Track

My homegirl and I were talking the other day, "spirit feeding" as I like to call it. She revealed to me that she felt like there was a moment in her life where she got off track. I asked her to explain to me why she felt that way, and after much discussion, I sent her this picture:

I asked her if what she saw related to life at all. She said, "Yeah I see life like you can take different paths." Then, I asked her how a train might travel along these tracks. She said, "The train would just follow the tracks or jump off the tracks if there wasn't an engineer, right?" 


I asked her to think about her word choice, "off track". Then, I reminded her that as long as God is her engineer, it is IMPOSSIBLE to go off track. Every track on the journey of our lives is divergent. Each track spins off another or leads back to the main one. So even when we veer, we are never "off track." Our lives are predestined. God's plan for our lives will be fulfilled, regardless of setbacks, mistakes, challenges, or changes.

It's kind of like when my younger twin brothers learned to crawl. They were fat and wobbly. After a few close calls with the corners in the hallway, I would literally crawl over them...for hours. I'd make them take turns by sitting one in a playpen and letting the other roam, while I positioned myself above them, crawling along, anticipating their every move. Sometimes, before they even knew what was happening, I would scoop them up and turn them away from the wall. I never stopped them from where they were headed. They were going to arrive exactly where they were supposed to go. However, when they changed their course, I was right there to make sure that the destination was still ahead.

It's no different with God. We make a mistake. He's still there and we will still arrive where He planned for us to go. We missed an opportunity. The tracks head that direction and later, He presents another opportunity for us to head closer to our destiny. Do our choices in the tracks sometimes extend our journey? Yes. Can it prolong our suffering? Mm-hmm. But does taking a different path to the destination move the destination? Nope...not at all.

Where we often make our mistake is that we put a time stamp on life. Certain things are supposed to happen by a certain time. If they don't, we have messed up somehow. We've ruined it. Our lives are not what they should be. We are not where we are supposed to be. That's a lie! You are right where you are supposed to be at this appointed time. Although it doesn't always feel good or things don't always look good, nothing that has happened to this point is in vain. You might have to re-prioritize, re-position, or simply renew your mind, but you are where you belong. Stay the course and Be Blessed XOXO

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