
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mid-Life Discovery

Have you ever heard someone express that they are in a mid-life crisis? Do you believe that you are in one yourself? It's possible. But I challenge some of you to look at where you really are. Is it a crisis? Or is it a quest toward discovery?

A crisis is a crazy time. In crisis, one is often reactionary. When the body enters a crisis, it is all out of whack, not acting as it should because it is in such a confused state. Our lives aren't much different. In a time of crisis, we will often act out of character because our lives are out of whack. We are confused and lack direction. In a crisis, you might find yourself lashing out at loved ones. You might make poor financial decisions. In my mind, a mid-life crisis can be likened to a man buying a motorcycle, getting a box of Just for Men, and chasing after younger women. Why? Because they are in a crazy time of confusion about getting older.

On the other hand, a mid-life discovery can have some of the same components, but it is much more purposeful. During this time, we might question God's plan for our lives. We might reflect on where we have been and wonder what's next. We are confused because we don't know the next step or the "right" path. But, a discovery is normally prompted by a yearning. That yearning is what leads us on a quest toward discovery. It can be a little scary because it is complicated and uncomfortable and most of all, it lacks concrete timing. When you don't know how long you will aimlessly float about life, it can be frustrating and SUPER annoying.

When we recognize that we need these times of confusion to seek clarity and appreciate confirmation, we are actually growing...discovering. To live a life where you always have all the answers is not to live. Quite frankly, if we had all the answers, there would be no need for God! Living life isn't always safe and isn't always sure. Life is full of both risks and rewards. Risk is a part of discovery. Failure is a part of discovery. Humility can be a part of discovery. People on the sidelines of your quest can offer you either help or hindrance, but none of them can take the journey for you. That said, faith is the key to discovery.

No matter what mountains you climb on this quest, what dragons you slay, who you meet along the way, or the princesses you may save; understand that in due time, it will all work together for your good. This is what it means to have the faith. God sent you on this journey of life. Yearning in the Spirit is a message from God, guiding you to a new place spiritually, financially, even physically. Only He knows where you are headed and only you can go! Let Him be a light unto your path as you set out on a quest to discover your best self in His name. Be Blessed XOXO

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