My kids love to come looking for me like they don't have a whole ENTIRE Daddy in the same house! For example, I'm downstairs digging through the dryer for clean uniform shirts. They literally walk out of the dining room through the living room past their father who is enjoying college football on the couch to YELL down the stairs in dire need, "MA-MAAAA?! Can we have some pizza rolls?" Or they awaken late Saturday morning, I'm pulling into the garage from running errands. They come down the steps, into the garage, to ask me what's for breakfast. Why Lord?!? And don't let them not be able to locate something. No lie: there have been times their daddy is in their room, overseeing the "get the kids ready" process while I am, oh I dunno, taking a shower or using the restroom, when there's either a knock or a bursting in (depending on the birth order of the kid).
One of Darnell's kids: "Mama, you know where my cleats are?"
Sooooo often, their daddy is right there, ready, sometimes willing, but always able to do whatever they need. Yet, they come to me because I'm their comfort. They depend on me when their most immediate help is right there within earshot, within reach.
Like so many of us. We have a Father who is able to supply every single one of our needs and yet we walk right past him. We head toward our "fix". I hate my job. I walk past my Father who can give me any job I want and go to the bar to order a shot (or 5). I don't have enough money in the bank for what I want or need, so I drive past my Father's many mansions to the nearest casino to try to flip what little I do have.
We spend so much of our time looking around for who or what we are comfortable with, that "thing" we've grown to depend on-that person, that place, that activity. We go out of our way to get to it when our real help is ready and waiting to hear our cry, supply our need, mend our hearts, change our lives. As you face the many issues this life will unfold, before you go searching high and low for anything else, ask your Father. He's right there...within reach, within earshot, waiting to be your fixer. Be Blessed XOXO
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