Most mornings, I share the Daughters of the King Daily Devotional ( with my girlfriends in our group chat. Yesterday's post sparked a question from my friend Erika: How do we know the difference between fear and intuition?
It was an awesome question that led to even more awesome answers. My Sunday school teacher used to say, "It's not a sin to covet wisdom, so share what you know with others." That said, here's what my friends imparted into my spirit yesterday. I pray you read it and are as blessed as I was.
Kristen (aka kMay): I don't have any fear when it's my intuition. It's like, I KNOW this. Insecurities/doubts? Maybe those creep in, but by in large, I'm pretty resolute. There is more confidence in that feeling. With fear, that firmness is not there.
Erika: That makes sense
kMay: I guess the difference is that in fear the doubts/insecurities outweigh the resolution. With intuition, it's usually the other way around. That's just for me. It might be different for others.
Me: I struggle with that too E. Maybe that's where "seeking" comes in? Like when we are unsure we seek the revelation through prayer? 'Cause Kristen makes a great point, and I'd just add that one thing God has shown me is that fear holds me back from a dream or desire I've prayed about which is really just a lack of faith. Like it's okay to be scared but the Word says God hasn't given us the spirit of fear which might mean fear shouldn't be the overwhelming feeling? Idk...just my thoughts.
Erika: That makes sense too
(We then went on to share personal examples of fears that we have. It was honest and open and I'm pretty sure all of us SHOULD have been working at the time as it was a Wednesday morning...but when the Spirit moves, who cares about work?! The additional messages made me wonder a bit more...)
Me: That makes me think about worry it sounds like it's a precursor to fear maybe?...Like you worry about making the best choice or the wrong choice so now we scared to choose at all
Erika: But that makes being more worry
kMay: I will share what my Mom told me before I moved up here (kMay just moved to Chicago like a boss or whatever). I was worrying about a lot of things. That was fear. She told me, "Worrying is arrogant." She went on to explain that when we worry we imply more control than we really have.
(Can you say Mind. Blown!?)
Me: I have been a worry wart since the womb. So, now I wonder if it's less about getting it "right" and more about seeking and revelation and then, like Nike...just doing it...
Erika: Yes, it's scary though, because while we don't have as much control as we think over things/situations, we do have free will and the control to make decisions (and there it is. Erika has this way of sitting back, taking it all in, and then BAM! #Message)
Me: But are our decisions powerful enough to thwart God's plans for our lives if we believe in Him?
Kristen: I think it's acknowledging, accepting and embracing the role God plays in our lives and trusting...knowing (faith) that He will meet us where we leave off...There's only so much we can do, but there's only so much He can do because of our free will...
Erika: So it pretty much comes down to faith...
Kristen: I think so. I consider my intuition The Spirit, or God speaking to me.
Erika: That's how I view intuition too
Kristen: So I am being TOLD to do something. The real question is...Will I be obedient?...That is my free will.
(Hours later, Marlene joins the conversation-like she was soooo busy at work!)
Marlene: I think I struggle with all the same things. We all know I'm the biggest worry wart! But I agree with Kristen in the sense that when its intuition the feeling is stronger than the fear/ nervousness...almost like something inside you is pushing you in a certain direction. And that is something I believe we can strengthen...our discernment. Not only through prayer, but I feel like the more you follow your intuition the more sensitive you become to it.
The conversation shifted into more intimate girl banter, but the earlier messages replayed in my head. I had to share it. I had to share the fact that yesterday I felt encouraged to stop being scared. Scared of messing up or getting it wrong. Scared of people's judgments. Scared of my own failures or inabilities. Scared of losing who or what I love. Scared of disappointment. Scared of hurt. Scared of shame. Instead of being scared, all I have to do is seek God, have the faith in Him to fulfill His promises for my life, stop worrying about things that are in His control (not mine), and be obedient to what He tells me to do. The more we do this, the more comfortable we get with doing it. It will become a norm to trust our intuition (The Spirit) and do what God says. So in knowing that God hasn't given us the spirit of fear but The Spirit of Him, we can take the next step, whatever that may be. We can move forward. We can press on. We can stumble and fall and even fail, yet still stand...on His truth. Maaannnn, my friends poured into me so strongly yesterday that I'm still full! See how God uses our friends to fulfill His promises for our lives each and everyday? But that's a WHOLE 'nother post. Until then...Be blessed. XOXO
This is great! I think this is something that ALL can relate to. I often find myself in this place as well. Then I remind myself that my story was already written before I was even born into this world and that GOD has carried me through every bad choice or decision that I have made not only for myself but my children as well. When I find myself in this place I try to remind myself to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS STILL GOD AND STILL IN CONTROL AND THAT I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.