
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ain't nobody got time for that

God often nudges me to do things and I procrastinate, make excuses, or just ignore the nudging. For example, starting Faith THAT. It's been on my heart for some time,  but at first I ignored it like, "Naahhhh. He can't be talking to me." Then, I started making excuses like: "What if people don't receive it?"; "I'm so busy with family and work."; and, my personal favorite, "I don't want to let You down." Finally, I procrastinated. I would occupy myself with everything but writing just to feed into the impossibility of God's instructions. However, that only works for so long.  So, I'm writing this blog out of uncharacteristic obedience.

Eventually, God is going to have His way because He ain't got time to play with us. He's calling all of us into something greater. He's expecting all of us to use the gifts He blessed us with for His glory. I know that someone reading this feels a strong nudge to step into something new. It could be changing your scenery, getting married, becoming a home owner, finishing school, or starting a new career. You're worried about money, time, or failure. Well...Faith THAT!

1 Thessalonians 2:12
We exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.

Our Father doesn't set us up for failure. He uses all things for our success in His own divine way. There will be setbacks and obstacles, days of doubt and struggle. Be encouraged. If God told you to do it, just do it. Make time to be obedient and expect to feel an abundance of peace. It's time to walk in your divine purpose. Let's live up to heavenly expectations. It's time to take it to the next level, so you better make  time for that! Be Blessed. XOXO

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