Stephenie Mills and Teddy Pendergrass bellowed a timeless hit. That enticing instrumentation overcast by the sultry sound of Stephanie and the scruff and sexy sounds of Teddy BAAABYYY! I want to feel the fire OKAY?!?
Have you ever wondered about man's infatuation with fire? Why is fire suuucchh a big deal? Well, fire has lots of importance in our lives. First, fire is a source of warmth. Fire is also a source of light. In the dark ages, fire was the only "lamp" when darkness fell. Fire is also a form of protection because it keeps people safe when out in the elements and signals life to other humans in desolate places. Fire is also used to prepare and create things. It is with fire that one cooks when one is camping (notice that I did not use an inclusive pronoun here like "we" because...ya girl don't camp!). It is also used to create beautiful things from seemingly plain items-metal, jewelry, glass, and diamonds.
With all these vital uses, it's no wonder that we have such a love for fire! In the same vain, it's no wonder that God has a way of consuming us like a burning fire (Hebrews 12). He warms us during those times of grief, hurt, despair, and cold-heartedness. He is the light of our lives in times of darkness. He is our protector from this world and all it's craziness. He is constantly preparing us for the great things He has in store, both trials and blessings. He is our creator who has transformed many of us from dingy ole things to these beautiful creatures that live in His grace. Do you want to feel the fire?! *passes the plate*
But seriously, fire is used often in the Word. We see God present Himself to Moses in a "burning bush" (Exodus 3). The Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt as a "pillar of fire" in the night (Exodus 13). God took Elijah into heaven by and anointed Elisha by first sending chariots and horses of fire (2 Kings). Psalm 104:4 says He makes the ones who bring the Word to the people a "flaming fire". He asks us, "Is not my word like like fire..." (Jeremiah 23). As a matter of fact, Jeremiah had a love for God so deep that he wanted to share it with the world. He couldn't shake the feeling. He wanted everyone to know how good it felt to have God on his side. He said it felt like "fire shut up in his bones"! DAAAAANNNGGG! Fire? In the bones? In the words of Dylan from Diddy's Making the Band, that's some hot fiyah!
Today, I'll pray that we burn from the inside out. That God's love and His will overcome us like an uncontrollable blaze. That through His Word and every day encounters with His people we be consumed by the fire. I pray that we all be warmed and protected by the fire. I pray that the fire light our paths to live in His purpose. I pray that through the fire we are prepared for what He created us to do. I pray that we all feel the fire. Be Blessed. XOXO
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