Dew You Boo
As I was walking outside of work the other day, the dew
drops on a leaf stopped me in my tracks. I’m not a nature buff by any stretch,
but walking outside gives me a chance to get in touch with God’s creations,
some of which I can live without! Anyhoozit, I paused and took a picture of the
well-defined drops of water, sitting atop an old, brown leaf. The leaf was
clearly no longer on the tree it once belonged to. It sat in the grass all
alone, covered by itty-bitty puddles of water.
“…but his favor is as dew upon
the grass.” Proverbs 19:12b
I thought about my life, my journey. I have been that
old, brown leaf. There have been times that my spirit has been dried up inside
of me and I have no idea how I am sustaining. There are times that I am a
walking zombie going through the ins and outs of life with no real directions.
There have been times that I have done everything I wanted to do and nothing
that God has called me to do. I am that old, brown leaf.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions
never fail.23 They are new every morning; great is your
faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
There are times that I may be that old, brown leaf. There
are times that you have been that old, brown leaf. Ugly on the outside. Dried
up on the inside. But because of God’s love, you were able to hold on. Your
circumstances were not able to destroy you. What happened around you and to you
didn’t kill you. And like the dew on the grass, God’s mercy was fresh upon you.
He kept you, just like, so many times, He’s kept me. He was faithful, even when
we weren’t because we didn’t know how to be or simply chose not to be.
may God give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty
of grain and wine." Genesis 27:28
It’s crazy to me that God chooses to love us the way that
He does. It’s odd to me that the Most High, supreme being, with all power and
might is like, “I love you guh!” ME? Why? Honestly, I have no idea why he loves
this little, old, raggedy, brown leaf, but I am thankful that His dew rests
upon me and gives me what I need, each and every day.
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