
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Selective Sinner

I sin. I mean, I knowingly do things that don't align with God's Word. I like, completely and utterly and consistently SIN! Now, I don't mean that, "OMG! I can't believe I did that, let me repent. Father God please forgive me" type of sin. I mean I definitely do that too, but those are a bit different than the sin I'm actually referring to right now. You see, I sin for real. I cuss...especially when I'm upset or passionate about a subject. I don't curse. That's a bit more classy and less frequent. Nah, I cuss...for real. I lie. Did I really "oversleep" and that's why I'm running late? Orrrr did I actually "sleep in" and THAT's why I'm late? I could go on and on, but ya'll don't need to be ALL up in my business like that, so I'll park the car here: I SIN.

However, I find it interesting that even though I sin, I can sometimes have the audacity to look at others differently...because they sin! It's laughable almost. Like who the hell do I think I am?!? (See, there goes the verge of cussing.) And if you are being honest with yourself, many of you are the same way. You sin. Day in and day out, there is something you are consistently doing that you KNOW is not of God. Sometimes we excuse it like, "I mean that's just how I am," or "This is just the way things are 'around here'." Because we are comfortable WITH our sin or we have company IN our sin, we start to believe that it's really not all that bad. Yet, when someone sins in a way that we aren't comfortable with, we have a TOTALLY different perspective!

Case in point: A man walks into a strip club with his homies. They all pay for lap dances and have a great time! If you've EVER been to a strip club, you know that they are indeed having a GREAT time! Not a big deal right? But then, that same man gets word that a friend of his is having an affair. He's upset and disappointed with his friend for cheating on his wife. Interesting...both of these men had lust at the root of their actions. Both of these men were physically involved with a woman they weren't married to. However, because the world tells us that strip clubs aren't a bad thing and that's "just what men do" then he found it easy to accept his behavior, yet condemn his friend. Now I KNOW some people are logging off as we speak...

Here's another one: An unmarried woman has taken contraceptives much of her adult life. Why? Because she has no desire to become pregnant until she has a husband. She sees another unmarried woman at Aldi with 4 children and another on the way. She turns her nose up at this fertile Myrtle, and especially gets irritated when the woman swipes her EBT card! But both women are clearly engaging in pre-marital sex to some degree. Although, one is able to or simply chooses to mask hers a bit more than the other, they are both still sinners.

What's my point? It's definitely not to give off the false idea that I have the answers because I certainly don't! But here is what I do know-too many of us find a way to use other people's seemingly WORSE sins to make us feel better about our own. We look at people who steal like they are the scum of the earth, but we have been guilty of taking people's love and breaking hearts. We look at people who kill like they should rot in hell, but the Word says the power of life and death lie in our tongues and some of us *raises hand SKY HIGH* have said things to people that were DEFINITELY deadly to their souls. WE ALL SIN! EVERYONE! Yes, even the pastor in the pulpit sins (all them big booties walking around church you think he ain't noticed at least one!?! C'mon man!) Sometimes we sin on the surface for everyone to see. Sometimes we sin on the low, and only God knows. Regardless of how you do it, when you do it, where you do it, YOU DO IT! So chill out on coming for other people. Relax your opinions about others' actions. Instead, love people despite their transgressions. We are all at different points in our spiritual journey. We all have different views about right and wrong. At the end of the day, the best thing we can offer one another is love because we are fully aware that as much as ALL of us sin, we could ALL use a little bit more lovin'! Be Blessed. XOXO


  1. Thank you for that true down to earth message that touched me at every angle because you were so on point.

    We all need to confess daily for our sinfulness that we commit - by thought, word and deed.

    You gave prime examples that touched on some very deep rooted subjects and God is love and irregardless we are all His sheep and should be loving on one another, building one another up, instead of tearing and destroying one another.

    Thank you for allowing God to use you to relay His message on LOVE, sin and repentance.

    Will be reposting to help spread this message of agape love. Be blessed and may this word prick everyone's heart, as it did mine.

  2. Thank you so much Vanessa! This one was tough to write because it hit me too. We are all guilty of looking at another sideways, but we have also all sinned. God is just too good to us and for that I'm grateful lol
