Faith THAT is an encouraging blog written for us to inspire one another to go through life with a spiritual "F-That" attitude. Remembering that in all things, we must keep the FAITH!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Maybe It's Me?
This seems really small, but I was amazed at how he instantaneously took accountability for the mishap. Instead of looking for someone to blame, or trying to find a way to win, he started with himself. He didn't say, "Why would they bring me the same eggs as you when I specifically said 'fried hard'?" He didn't ask for the server or seek a manager. The FIRST thing out of his mouth was the most humble thing...maybe it's me?
Now, this is NOT a natural trait of mine. Why? Because I don't like to be wrong. I want everyone to recognize this fun-fact: I'M ALWAYS RIGHT! To know me is to know this most fallacious truth about my personality. As I am growing older, gaining more life experiences, and strengthening my spiritual muscles, I'm starting to understand that this type of thinking has many deep-rooted beginnings. First, I'm smart. Part of being smart is getting things "right" all the time. Secondly, I'm the oldest. Being the oldest means the little ones are relying on me for answers, so I have to have them. Lastly, I'm articulate. When I speak, people listen, so I NEED to be right. However, there are other roots as well. To want to be right all the time is to also be selfish. It's to consider your opinions or knowledge greater than another's. It's looking for someone to be wrong. It's trying to find a place to set the blame. It's to be ill-compassioned, inconsiderate, or simply to lack understanding of others.
Now some of you are shaking your heads and thinking to yourselves, "I'm glad I'm not like that." I'd challenge you to really self-reflect. When you enter into a controversial discussion with another person, is your aim to gain a new perspective OR to get them to see that you are right? When you argue with your loved ones, is your goal to better understand them OR to shut them down? When you converse with someone and you have different viewpoints, are you speaking to learn OR are you talking to win? Most people are on the wrong side of the tracks when they TRUTHFULLY respond to these questions. This means that humility is an area where many of us can grow.
Humility means that we are less concerned with ourselves and more concerned with the greater good. A humble person doesn't always have to be right. A humble person doesn't have to flip a table when their order is messed up at a restaurant. No. A humble person starts with self. Philipians tells us to HUMBLY value others above ourselves. The book of Proverbs says to be humble is to fear the Lord. And Ephesians tells us to bear with one another in love by being BOTH humble and gentle. You see, humility is kind of "up there" on the Most High's list of things for us to do. When we are operating in a space of "rightness" we are typically not moving toward His call to "righteousness". The next time you find yourself on the opposite side of an issue or questioning how to handle the mistakes of another, start with yourself. In the infamous words of MJ, talk with the man in the mirror! Stay humble my friends, and Be Blessed. XOXO
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Selective Sinner
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The Day I Stopped Being a Perfectionist
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
One Sunday, while gathering for our weekly ritual of all-day football, the boys took unopened birthday gifts to the Ross's home to play. As we read the instructions and begged for batteries, my nephew Braydon warned Kaleb and I that he probably wouldn't be able to play with his drone at the house. His mother came out later and said that after her attempt with Braydon's drone , she decided to take him to the park instead. Hearing their words, we set the dial in the center from expert to beginner and the boys decided to give it a try in the backyard. Unable to get it to work, they opted for something different to do until it could reach a full charge.
A little later, the other Smithboyz show up, and now it was time to show off. Kaleb and Braydon go back in to grab their drones so they can show Jaden. No sooner than Kaleb is able to get his off the ground, it gets stuck in a tree...where? In the friggin' front yard! I go outside and see that it is WAAAAYYY UP *in my Big Sean voice*. The drone is stuck in the branches of heaven, so I simply tell my wonderful offspring: That's what happens when you try to show off and don't follow directions. He'd turned the dial to expert and had flown the device in the FRONT yard instead of the BACK as we discussed. I went back in the house unbothered. Kaleb sat on the steps feeling defeated.
Braydon reminded him, "I told you that was gonna happen."
"Well, you just shouldn't flew it up there. That's yo fault," said Jaden.
"Rub it in why don't ya," Kaleb sighed.
"It's okay Kaleb," said Micah. "The wind gonna blow it down okay?"
"No it's not..."
Meanwhile, in the house, Darnell asked me what was going on. I told him. He and TJ, the host, upset that the 49ers were taking a beating, felt that half-time was the best opportunity to go assess the situation. Soon after, all the men were outside squinting to see the small toy dangling from the highest branch imaginable. Then, the contest begans. They all started taking turns, throwing a football into the tree, trying to knock the thing loose. They all failed...time and time again. Although the level of entertainment was unforgettable, the men soon returned to the house to enjoy "real" football.
When the afternoon games ended, TJ, who also happens to be Kaleb's godfather, went back outside to give it another try. He was relentless. I couldn't understand why he cared so much. I'm sure part of it was ego; he wanted to be the hero and THE guy to say he had the best arm and the best aim. But another part of it was just the love he has for the kids; his godson's toy was stuck in a tree, and he was gonna get it down...even if it might have meant icy hot on his shoulder the next few days. His efforts were not in vain. He said, "Okay this my last time, if it don't come down this time, I'm done." He launched the football one last time and down came the drone.
Isn't that like God? When we put ourselves in situations that He warned us to stay away from, he is always there to bail us out. When we find ourselves stuck in the trees of life, unable to break free from the strongholds of low self-esteem, sexual deviance, financial woes, depression, or substance abuse, he fights to get us down. When other people remind us of our sin, He forigves. When everyone else abandons us, He is ever-present. He is relentless to get us down, to set us free, to be the hero. He is God...our Father, and no matter what we do, or how high up we find ourselves, He will always bring us back to Him. Be Blessed. XOXO
Missed Opportunity
God spoke to me. First, He was like, how you gone get mad at the other cars for going where they need to go? You the one that sat there daydreaming! Yo Bad! AHA! Many of us see the metaphor in our lives. God gives us opportunities. He clears our paths. He makes a way for us. But often times, we are too busy with our heads in the clouds (or up some other unmentionable body part) that we miss it! So many of us are wandering around, waiting for a blessing that God already tried to give us once, but the gift of our own free will trumped our better sense.
Someone had the chance with the woman that could have been your wife, but you were too busy chasing around all the other scattered skirts. Someone could have had a promotion, but you were too busy looking for a new job and missed the internal posting. Someone could have had a new home, but you were so focused on the "must haves" that you missed the "must see." And some of us could have had salvation, but we were too busy worrying about what others would think and how we'd be percieved.
But here is the good news! What God intends for us will always be for us. Once we miss it, we might have to wait awhile. He might have to grow us some more. He might have to teach us some things. He might have to check us a few more times, But once we know that we've missed it, we wait for it. We seek it. We sit up and look both ways to see when our time is coming. That is God's intention for us as we live, move, and breath in Him. We have all missed opportunities, but all glory to the Most High that we serve a God of many chances. If you blew it, don't trip. Your time is coming. Just be sure not to miss it the next time around. Be Blessed. XOXO
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Walking Billboard
Here's the deal, few people are willing to be a walking billboard of their pain. Most people aren't going to post anything about the bad times in their lives. Families don't take photos with frowns and tears. People don't post their bus pass because they can't afford a car. No one is taking a selfie in the unemployment line. There aren't many people who are going to log onto Facebook to post a video of them arguing with their spouse, so we assume that the images of the wedding cake, the cutesie family photos, and the long, heart-felt "Happy Anniversary" posts are it. Well as a happily married woman, IT'S NOT! The scripture of Shanelle states, "That man worketh a nerve!" And the word according to Darnell says, "That woman containeth much crazy!"
I mean c'mon, we want the world to know when things are going well. And sometimes even when they aren't, we want to keep up the facade so that other people will BELIEVE that we are living the happiest life with no problems or worries. You see, we are all willing to be walking billboards for the good times. Don't believe the hype! People aren't going to broadcast their shame, their embarrassment, their fear, their insecurities, but WE ALL HAVE THEM! The images that burn themselves into our minds and tell us: they have a better car, they have a better job, they live in a better house, they have a better marriage, they have a better body, or they even have a greater relationship with God, are a scheme...they are not real. Someone else's success isn't your failure. Someone else's accomplishment isn't your downfall. Someone else's victory is NOT your defeat. YOU are a walking billboard for YOUR journey. Tell YOUR story. Embrace YOUR hills and YOUR valleys without envying the top of someone else's mountain!
Trust me when I tell you that envy is crippling to walking in God's promises. Feeling like we are less than someone else is counter to His message in our hearts. We are beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We are not to compare ourselves to one another (2 Corinthians 10:12), and we are more valuable to God than anything else (Matthew 10:31). Be Blessed, and if you need a reminder of how awesome you are, despite how many likes or loves someone else gets, check out this page for encouragement: XOXO
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Taste the Rainbow
He went on to explain, "I seen that at my school aaaannnd in my room."
"What are you talking about?" I as.ed,
He responded matter-of-factly, "You 'member the boat with the animals on the water? In my Bible? My teacher said that too on Monday."
Then, I remembered we'd read the story of Noah on Tuesday before bed, which was clearly a reinforcement of his circle time at school on Monday! This little dude was equating what he saw in the sky with what he learned at home and school, which to a teacher is an advanced academic skill! He was making connections! And at that moment, I had one of my own.
God placed the rainbow in the sky as a reminder of His promises to Noah, his family, and the world. Sometimes, we are in an inexplicable funk. Other times, we are in a legitimately rough place. Regardless, if we are in a soft storm, a thunderstorm, or our own personal hurricane, God will still remind us of His promises. He uses people, events, and things around us to remind us that no matter how bad it gets, He has promises that He plans to fulfill in each and every one of our lives.
That rainbow meant so much more than pretty colors to me yesterday. I've often forgotten that God promised me so much. Not because I deserve it, but because it is His will for my life. Not because of who I am or what I've done, but because He is God. Negativity can make us develop amnesia of the things that we've been promised. Set-backs can cause lapses in our memory about the things God whispers into our souls. Wherever you are in life, search for the rainbow...remind yourself that God has promised to love you, forgive you, restore you, redeem you, anoint you, protect you, keep you, provide for you, encourage you, promote you, abide in you, bless you...Be Blessed. XOXO
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Commitment = FAILURE!
“To think that in order for a marriage to last it has to be perfect is crazy!” He also showed me, through so many examples within his family, what it looked like to stick-it-out. The men and women in his family had been through so much throughout the course of their marriages, but were still holding on (and from what I can tell, most of the time, HAPPILY holding on). Looking at the world through my husband’s lens, I was able to see first-hand that to be committed, in essence, meant to fail.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Sit Down Somewhere!
When life is like this, chances are, the Spirit is too. My church attendance has been spotty. My time in my Word is minimal. I don't talk with God as much. I don't seek Him as diligently. I'm just kind of out here.
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” -Matthew 6:31
God didn't design us to constantly be busy. He designed us to work...for Him...but not to exhaust ourselves like many of us do. His plan for our lives is bigger than overpriced caffeine and extensive workouts, all in an effort to increase our energy as we race to fatigue. His plan requires us to sometimes be still. We have to ensure that we save room in our day to be available to Him. I don't know about you, but lately, this has become a bit of a struggle for ya girl!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Please Don't Judge Me...
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Looking Like Yo Daddy!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Relieve Me
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Teacher: God....Student: Me
Normally, in a situation like this, I'd be going BALLISTIC! Tears, expletives, phone calls, you name it! But not today. Not this time. Why? As I drove back to my big boy's baseball game, I thought about a bunch of stuff. First, our lives have been in a bit of disarray the last few weeks because of Kaleb's grueling baseball schedule, the demands of my husband's new gig, and my brilliant idea to work summer school. When things are out of whack at home, it's easy for mishaps to occur and for one to become more vulnerable to predators upon the unsuspecting. Secondly, in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, it's hard to get upset about small things right now. These people are gone. Their loved ones are left to mourn their lives forever. A phone and a wallet are nothing when you think of that. And lastly, one word-Growth.
See, I've been feeling a bit distant from God for the past few months. Can't quite put my finger on what or why, but it just doesn't quite feel the same. I know He's there because He promised never to leave me, but I just haven't felt as connected. Well in light of yesterday's unfolding, I saw Him, I felt Him, I knew He was trying to get my attention. For that, I couldn't be upset. Annoyed? Yes. Slightly deflated? Uh-huh. Ready to squad up on the first person I saw with my stuff?! Sho 'Nuff. But honestly, the feelings I had were different. I realized that in this season of distance, I have been given the chance to grow.
Back in January, God revealed to me that this year was going to be a year of testing and trials, but nothing tragic. Boy has it been true. Some of the tests I've aced; some of them I've made it by the skin of my teeth; and others, well I failed them bad boys with FLYING colors! But ALL of them, yes ALL of them, are playing a part in my growth. It feels good to know that I can stand and God can continue to trust my ability, even when I don't always get it right. Think about child-birth. A child can only grow to certain point in the mother's womb. At some point, he or she will have to exit that safe space and enter this crazy world. Then and only then can they truly grow. The same thing is true of God. There will be times where He holds us close to keep us safe, to shield us, to comfort us, to prepare us. But then the time comes where He chooses to fall back and let us see grow. Iyanla Vanzant said, "God gives his toughest tests to his best students." With God's protection and provision, His grace and all His mercy, I'm pretty sure that if we study hard and work with real grit. we will all be headed toward the top of the class! Study, Pray, Grow, and Be Blessed. XOXO
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Falling Off
The mere fact that you can tell that your life is out of whack speaks volumes to what it means to have a real relationship with God. You miss Him. You know you need to talk to Him. You feel guilty. You want to say sorry and fix it. The crazy thing is that even though you feel that way, He hasn't gone anywhere. He's right there, waiting on you to get your life together! If you need to get back to God, do it. You'll have good days and not-so-good days. You'll have distant times and close times. All of which are a part of a genuine relationship. That is all that God wants to have with each and every one of us-a real relationship. So don't beat yourself up about it. Rearrange where necessary and remember His mercies renew each day. Be Blessed. XOXO
Keep the Change
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
One morning, while driving to work, I found myself stuck in the morning traffic that I sooooo dread. Although it's short-lived on my commute, it's annoying nonetheless. But every morning, I reach the place where I get over into the exit only lane that NO ONE ELSE seems to take! It's always such a relief to lift that blinker and get over into that nearly empty lane. Everyone else is headed the same way, but not me, and boy am I glad!
Funny how that sounds much like choosing God's way of life. Everyone else is going the same way. And there are times that we find ourselves as just another part of the pact. But then, there are times that we are able to break free. We choose a different way...the "high" way. Where few are brave enough to travel, and even fewer remain on the path, we find ourselves in little (if any) company.
But the world opens up to us when we make that move. Obstacles that blocked our paths for so long are no longer an obstruction. We are spending less time sitting idle, wondering about life, and more time moving toward our goals, building the kingdom. If you are finding yourself stuck in the traffic of this world, get over into the exit only lane and let the Man Upstairs clear your path! Be Blessed. XOXO
Direct Impact
Monday, March 21, 2016
Let the Father In
When my youngest son was sick, the ER team did a complete work up. They took chest x-rays, swabbed him to test for flu strands, and even had him pee in a cup! I'm sure you can imagine the fun he had with that! However, the last part was the worst part...they needed to draw blood.
Now mind you, this was his SECOND time to the ER in a matter of one week, so he was in bad shape. Couple the age of 3 with dehydration from illness and add a dose of poor nurses struggling with such tiny phlebotomy, and you get a recipe for disaster! They said to me, "Mom, we're gonna need you to hold him still."
I'll be honest, I suck at this. Not because I'm a softy (maybe a little) but mostly because I can never hold these kids of mine well enough. When they feel threatened in any way, they are SUPER strong! When he was four, while getting an immunization in his thigh, my oldest son actually broke a literally BROKE IT! And who was supposed to be holding him at the time? You guessed it!
Fast forward a few years, and here I am again. Looking at the nurses with a faux confidence convincing enough to fool the best of them. Then, my husband returns with my oldest son and sees right through me. Micah is taking it like a champ, but squirming and trying to break free nonetheless. After the second nurse is called in, my husband approaches me gently and stares into my eyes with a look that simply says, "Please get out of the way woman."
I oblige, and my how things changed. Micah is still because daddy is stronger and firmer. Micah is calm because daddy can hold his focus away from the needles better than mommy. Micah is crying, but he's not acting a fool because he kinda can't, he has no power against daddy. And it dawns on me...
So many times in life, we are tricking ourselves into believing we have it all under control. The world is convinced we have it together, and we're doing alright. But we know, deep down, we are a flaming mess! We are having a hard time holding it all together, but we cant let on, no way! Then, the Father shows up.
If (key word IF) we heed his presence, we slide to the side and let him handle the situation. When we do that, a burden is lifted from us. A peace sweeps over all aspects of whatever we are going through. That mountain in front of us has no power against our God.
So, when we find ourselves in complicated instances that test our faith, cause us to question our abilities, or simply shake us to our core, we have to let the Father in. Once we do, everything works out for our good...just like He said it would. Be Blessed XOXO
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Babies and Fools
The point of the limo is because I have thing about drinking and driving. What I didn't consider was that the limo WAS NOT taking me home. Duh! Now, before I left the house, my husband specifically said to me, "Call me if you need me to come and get you." Considering the fact that it's normally the other way around in our relationship, I may or may not have disregarded his sincere offering. Fast forward to what was supposed to be a 4 hour event becoming a 6 hour event that was extended by a small group of us who were so wrapped up in the moment we didn't want to leave! And what did I do? I drove myself home.
Now there are 2 types of people reading this. The type of people who can't believe someone would do that and the type of people who are thinking about how they too have been guilty of the same thing (probably more often than they care to admit). I prayed before I pulled off, and thanked God when I arrived home safely. But the next morning, I felt a level of conviction that I can honestly say I've only felt one other time and that was over 4 years ago. I asked the Lord to forgive me for being irresponsible, and I could hear my granny in my head, "The Lord takes care of babies and fools. I stopped being a baby a long time ago, but every now and then, I can still be a fool." So true. So very, very true.
Sometimes in life, we do things that are out of character. We make choices that don't seem like a big deal in the moment, but later we look back and feel a twinge of guilt.We act foolishly. We say to ourselves, "I'll just have one more drink." Or, "I can give her my number, that's not cheating on my wife." Or even, "I'm finna cuss this fool out and repent later!" Regardless of the questionable choices we've made in life, if we feel convicted afterward, it's an opportunity for us to self-reflect and seek God's lesson. Don't beat yourself up about it. Try to seek God's angle. Where is He coming from? What does He want from us? How can this experience grow us or change us to better live for Him?
Am I proud of my choice? Of course not. Did I learn from those uncomfortable feelings afterward? I believe so. Will I ever screw up again? You better believe it! But if we find ourselves in a position where we feel convicted or guilty or even question our decisions, we can pray this prayer, "God, what do you want me to get from this? I feel you nudging, please open my mind and heart to receive your loving correction. I know what I did wasn't the best choice. I know that you expect more from me. But I also know that even when I jack up, you still love me. Help me to not take that for granted. Guide me in your will and your way. In Your name I pray, Amen." Be Blessed. XOXO
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
I Got People
I pulled off to a side street, hopped out the car, and undid his seat belt. I leaned him to his side, over the arm rest. As I stood in the street with my hands in my pockets, a woman yelled down from her porch to see if everything was okay. Knowing the seizure had to run its course, I calmly said, "My baby is having a seizure." No sooner than the words escaped my mouth, she was down at my car. She moved me out of the car doorway and laid hands on Micah right as his body began to calm. She prayed healing prayers over my son. Her husband later came down and asked if my son was sick. I told him he had been running a fever, but I wasn't sure what was wrong. The husband then said, "It's probably a febrile seizure. Our daughter had one when she was about his age. Take his clothes off and get him up to Children's Mercy. He's gonna be alright sweetie." Then, the woman hugged me and prayed for my strength.
I was fairly calm until that point. But in that moment when the woman hugged me and began to pray for me, I was overwhelmed by God's goodness. Growing up with a mother who had seizures, I knew what to do in this situation. I never thought I'd thank God for the painful experiences of watching my mom suffer from seizures over the years, but on that day, in that moment, watching my baby shake, I was grateful to have been prepared. In His order and on His time. God's servant (Lady Kisha is her name) was obedient to come out and pray for us. Her husband was able to reassure me that Micah was going to be okay. God saw it fit to place me right there in that moment to be reminded that even in the midst of a scary situation, I got people!
Some of us are in uncertain times. Some of us are embarking on new territory. Some of us are making lifestyle changes or trying to answer a call from the Lord. Others of us are simply confused. We feel like we are under attack. We just don't know what else to do. Remember that you serve a God who has people. If He has people, YOU GOT PEOPLE MAN! Even when things are unclear, be available in the Spirit to receive from God's people. Be encouraged by their words. Be reassured by their presence. When you rolling with ALWAYS got people. Be Blessed. XOXO
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Hold my Hand
Every time we walk into a parking lot, my youngest son says, "Hold my hand mama!" I know a big part of that comes from me doing so since he started walking. Another part is simply reality. He's a little guy who's too small to be waltzing into the streets alone. But the last part of it requires a bit of choice.
See, he wants me to hold his hand because he has come to expect it. Since he expects it, it's become comfortable to him. Within that comfort is the full faith that I'll keep him safe in the parking lot, every....single...time.
There are times in life where we will embark upon new territory. We will walk in to these vast and overwhelming experiences. When this happens, we will need God to hold our hands. We are too small to conquer whats ahead, no matter how hard we try. We know that we need His help. But that is where it's up to us.
It's time for us to get comfortable with God holding our hands. It's time to trust him to help us make our way through the parking lots of life. But first, we have to reach out and ask Him. Then, we must be okay with His direction, expecting that He'll lead us, according to His will. Finally, we have to believe that He will keep us safe and secure... all...along...the way. The next time something big is in front of you, reach out and touch the Master's hand. Then, watch how peacefully you make it through. Be Blessed XOXO
Monday, January 25, 2016
It Hurts!
Today, I got a call from the school nurse. She informed me that my son had something "hard" lodged in his ear. She sent him to the in-school clinic, where they attempted to irrigate and dislodge the object to no avail. So, we were sent to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist at the children's hospital downtown.
When we arrived, they zoomed into his ear with a microscope connected to a huge, flat screen, HDTV. And there we saw it...a rock. Now, of course my son has no recollection of how a rock could have possibly found its way into his ear. I ask if it could be a pencil lead because kids and pencils can hardly get along (trust me on this one...I'm a teacher). They insist it's a rock and begin to try taking it out.
Kaleb is a strong critter, so the first attempt was a failure. He was too strong and the staff was unable to keep him still. So, after soliciting my help and acquiring the help of a few other medical staff, they asked me if I was okay with him being swaddled. I obliged and watched them wrap my big boy much like I used to when he was an infant. His whole body was wrapped up like a burrito, so he couldn't move his arms or legs. He was helpless.
As they began poking and prodding his ear, he began to cry...then yell...then scream. The pain was unbearable. I encouraged him to breathe. I told him to calm down. I said it was okay to cry and be scared but he had to try harder to keep his head up and be still. Watching him go through the pain and not being able to do anything about it was hard for me. His little brother began to cry for him. My eyes filled with water too. It was hard to witness...
However, as I watched him endure that pain, I was hurting for him. I knew that what he was going through was best for him at the time. It was what he needed. It was a necessary process to get him where he needed to be. The pain was unavoidable. It hurt him, and the ones who loved him most were hurting with him.
But as his mother, I was there the whole time. I never left his side. I encouraged him. I reassured him. And when they released him from the bondage of the swaddle contraption, I comforted him. Hmmm...
Sometimes, God allows us to experience painful situations. He gets no pleasure out of this. When we hurt, he shares our pain; He bears our burdens. He knows we are helpless, and He knows it hurts. But He also knows that it's necessary. We can't grow and change and be who we are meant to be without the pain. God knows it hurts, but He's right there with us. When we are crying out in pain, He comforts us. He encourages us when we feel like we can't go on. He reassures us when we question if we'll be okay. He soothes our doubts and calms our fears. He whispers to us to keep our heads up. And when we've done all we can do, He reminds us to be still.
If you are in pain right now, you aren't alone. If you are hurting and feel helpless, God knows that. He's there with you every step of the way. He promised to never leave you and never forsake you. He feels your pain and hates it, just as much as you do. But you gotta endure it. The pain in the process is part of your journey to reach His purpose. Stay strong. Stay faithful. Be Blessed XOXO
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Newton's 3 Laws
Inertia is the the tendency of an object to stay in a straight line and move at a constant velocity. It's the resistance of an object to any changes in its direction or speed. When God is in our lives and we are walking in His purpose for us, we have a tendency to be unmoved. We begin to resist the changes that we know will push us backward or jolt us from side to side. Are we perfect? Nope. But we are moving in a straight line (most of the time) at the rate of God's appointed timing. So, the law of inertia says trying to move us or change us, will be quite the task!
2. Force = Mass times Acceleration (F=MA)
This equation describe the relationship between the mass of an object and the amount of force it will take to make it move. When we talk about our relationship with God, it is often some sort of that accelerates our faith. God allows a mass to weigh us down until we look to Him to become of the force to move us into His arms, His safety, His love. We are bogged down by bills, divorce, work, weight-gain, troubled children, our past, our present, LIFE! But then we call on the FORCE by FAITH in GOD! Then, that MASS, the weight of the world on our shoulders, is LIFTED. It is these experiences that ACCELERATE our faith and our relationship with God Himself.
3. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction
Work with what ya got
However, God gives each of us what we are to have in the time we should have it. The things, you are looking at others for simply aren't meant for you right now...and honestly, they may not be meant for you at all. For example, I've never had really long hair. It can get to a decent length, but on the whole, my hair has never been super long. When I was younger, I would look at my cousins, friends, and even my baby sister like, "Why do they get the long hair and I don't?" forward to the teenage years and my first real hair cut. My cheekbones were EVERYTHING in my school pictures. And that's when it hit me. When my hair is grown out, I tend to wear it up or in a ponytail. Why? Because hair distracts from the features of my face. Long hair isn't necessarily in my favor. Hence, I don't have a whole heap of hair because I have this beautiful face that the world deserves to see! And shoot, if I want some hang-time bad enough, I can buy hair by the pack or the bundle whenever I so choose! LBVS!
1 Peter 4:10 tells each of us to use whatever gifts we have been given to serve others. For everything you lack, God has gifted you something else that He intended for you to use for His purposes. Someone is looking at you with the same wonderment, comparison, and competitiveness that you are looking at someone else. The truth of the matter is that God has given each of us the things that He wants us to have, and He is expecting us to use them. Now, we can't do that effectively if we are too busy looking at what others have, and therefore, what we DON'T have! Pay close attention to what God have given you and focus on maintaining, developing, and perfecting those gifts. You may not have the biggest house, but you have a knack for decor. You may not have the smallest waist, but you have an eye for fashion. You may not have the best singing voice, but your public speaking is a force to be reckoned with. What has God given you? Whatever it is, work with what you got to get to where He wants you to be. Be Blessed. XOXO
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
It's that time of year again! Many of us resolve to do these super awesome things. Some of us refuse to believe the hype because... well...we've failed before, or we simply don't want to live under that kind of pressure! Either way, it's a new year, which is a perfect opportunity for new experiences and fresh perspective.
On New Year's Eve, I was blessed to have a most enlightening conversation with my Godmommy. She'd been going through a storm of sickness, but (as usual) her faith never waivered. As we sat and talked, she revealed that on a prior doctor's visit, she'd asked the Lord for 3 things, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I later revealed to her that I had 3 broad goals this year, but had never thought about them being aligned in that way. She continued to tell me that during this trying time, she'd begun to give God more intimate time. She said she knows Him and loves Him in a whole new way. I thought, "How is that possible?! This lady is like a walking billboard of faith!" But she said to me, "It's like He's new to me all over again."
Some of us (myself included) could spend a little more time with God this year. There's no way we can fully accomplish His purpose if we don't talk to Him. Some of us need to stop being afraid of failure and set some goals. There's no way to know we've failed if we haven't even committed to try. Whether you want to open a business, go back to school, lose weight, or just live a better lifestyle, the only way that happens is by committing to try and seeking God's guidance along the way. Whatever you've resolved to do, I pray God is in the midst so your success will be even more sweet. Be Blessed in this new year! XOXO