
Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Have you ever had something nagging on your heart that God is telling you to get rid of? A place to stop going? A person you need distance from? A habit you should stop doing? I feel like this often. Sometimes, God is telling me to take a break to reconnect and rearrange. Other times, He's telling me to stop completely, to just let it go! Regardless, there are times I honestly don't obey.

See, I'm not a quitter. Because I have commitment issues, once I'm in? I'm in...fully vested! So, when I commit to doing something, it's going to happen. When I commit to a person, they're stuck with me for life. Because of this mentality, I often times find myself on the hamster wheel of life. Having the same outcomes from the same people, places, and pain because I refuse to quit. Well...sometimes, quitters actually win.

When God nags us about lifestyle changes, it has nothing to do with commitment. I find that most times it's a lot less about commitment and a lot more about indulgence. Indulgence is contingent; it comes with consequences. IF we indulge in too much alcohol; THEN, we have a hangover. IF we indulge in too much McDonald's; THEN, we are busting out of our clothes. IF we indulge in too many clearance sales; THEN, we are late paying our bills. IF we spend too much time working overtime or hanging with the homies; THEN, we are unintentionally neglecting our family. See, indulgence is normally the thing we are being asked to forego when we feel that internal pressing to do so.

What is that you do too much? Where do you go too often? Who do you spend most of your time with? God often asks us to make changes that require quitting so that we can grow closer to Him. Growing closer to Him causes a shift in our persona, placement, and priorities. I'm willing to bet we are being asked to quit something. For some of us it's serious, like drinking, smoking, leaving a tumultuous relationship, or resigning from our jobs. For others of us, it's less severe, like shopping, eating fast food, or frequently kicking it with our friends. God is asking some of us to take a break. God is telling some of us to stop all together. Either way, when we disobey, we stay in the same position, wondering why change hasn't come. However, when we choose to submit to His will and let Him have his way... how rewarding it is to be liberated from fighting with God and seeing our spirits flourish in the way that He intends. So, go ahead...QUIT! Be Blessed. XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Another head bumper... bumping my BIG head! Thanks again.
