
Friday, August 14, 2015

Power Up

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

Over the course of time, I’ve realized that too many people have exercised undeserved power in my life. There are many other instances where people’s thoughts, perceptions, or behaviors have managed to affect me in a way that should never be. For example, last school year, there was some less than flattering actions and attitudes among some of the adults in my building. It became cumbersome to hear third-hand negativity about students, parents, and myself. It was daunting to witness people be so fallacious, while trying to maintain the spirit of God.

Eventually, I began to fall into the trap. As much work as God has done on me, I’m still a little girl from hood and my alter-ego can escape with the quickness. My attitude took a nose-dive, and people who rely on my positive light took swift notice. I had given those ”other” people too much power. Power they hadn’t earned. Power they damn sure didn’t deserve.

Essentially, I had given away my power. My power to be free from foolishness. My power to impact others daily by finding the good. My power to not give two rats’ testicles about what people were saying because I aim to please the Most High, not man! In the midst of that time, I started writing and FaithTHAT was born. How? By God’s grace and His divine placement of the people who really mattered-my husband, children, family, and trusted friends.

Today, many of us are in a space where too many people are exerting an illegal power over us. The girl that sits in the cubicle next to us is utterly annoying and has now exercised her power to affect your daily mood at work. The man driving the truck with the confederate flag insignia cut you off on the highway and now you are yelling at him and whoever else gets in your way. The bill collector calls during dinner and interrupts your family time, now you’re snapping at your kids to eat their dinner because kids in Africa are starving! People who have not been given divine permission to enter our lives with permanence need not be given any authority within our lives.

Psalm 62:11 says, “Once God has spoken…that power belongs to God.” God has a plan for each and every one of us. That plan allows us to have our hills and valleys, but it is His plan and only His folks are allowed. If there are people that have exercised unwarranted authority in your life, THEY are not the problem. You are! Your perception has to change. Your priority has to shift. Your placement has to be in sync. If you place people in powerful positions in your life, they will exercise that power because you ALLOW them to. We are NOT here for that, so place people where they belong. Need help? Pray about it. At the end of the day, be aware and on guard for those who are trying to steal the authority in your life.  Take back that power and give it to the ultimate authority. Be Blessed. XOXO

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