
Monday, June 1, 2015

Grow Up

My friends and I have a tendency to be ridiculously immature. My college friends and I are constantly creating stupid memes in our groupchat or finding creative ways to use the term petty. My best friend and I will make up a silly game, song, or dance in a heart pubic! Back in February, we had the most elementary Battle of the Sexes, making snow angels and everything! Heck, this past weekend, my high school friends randomly built a pyramid to mimic Beyonce's 7/11 video! Together, we can be childish. And we often say to one another, "Grow up." To which the challenged friend responds, "NEVER!" It's just how we are and what we do. 

Acting as children keeps us young and let's admit it, it's fun! But there comes a time when we all have to grow up. This timing is different for each and every one of us. Some of us grow and develop at a faster rate, while others of us take a bit longer. However, there are those of us who are honestly fighting the need to grow. 

Most of the adults reading this can relate to this statement: I can't fit anything from my high school wardrobe. For those of you who are blessed to be unable to relate, from a fashion perspective, I pray that very little of what you can fit you'd actually find appropriate to wear! LOL! When we try to avoid our spiritual growth, it's like trying to squeeze into our clothes from high school...we know better! And if we can still fit them, it's like wearing something that is completely out of style like Cross Colors, British Knights, or backward baseball jerseys. Either way, we look ridiculous!

It's kind of the same thing in the Spirit. We can't stay the same forever. At some point we have to go the next level. Why? Because it's what we are called to do. Not to mention that each level can only hold so many of us. We have to elevate to make room for the next person to take our place. The book of Corinthians says, "When I was a child, I thought as a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When, I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." 

I know that I can be guilty of thinking like a child and reasoning like a child. I can think that people are hating on me when they ain't thinking nothing about me. I can think that my situation is not my fault, knowing I played way more of a role than I care to admit. I can reason that I should go off on someone because they made me mad, so they deserve it. I can reason that one more drink won't matter, knowing that I've had enough. I can reason that one more pair of shoes doesn't indicate that I have a problem. so many ways, I need to "put the ways of childhood behind me".

To grow in God, we have to have a renewed mind and an inexplicable faith. God is calling many of us to grow up. For some of us this means moving up from saying our prayers at night, saying grace before we eat, and going to church some Sundays. Now it's time to read our Word more often and push to hear sound spiritual teaching more often. For some of us it means going from reading a daily devotional or a blog (feel free to keep reading this one lol) to reading the Word for ourselves or actually attending or hosting a Bible study. Each of us is going to reach a point in this walk where what we are doing and where we stand is no longer enough. 

But growing up is scary! We think about things like: What will I lose? Who will I miss? What will change? Will people still like me? Can I still do (insert questionable activity here)? Can I live without (insert anything)? Will I still have FUN? Although it takes some adjustment, our growing up is oftentimes worth more than we could imagine. Yes. Our responsibilities in the kingdom and to our fellow person increase. Yes. Our ideas, thoughts, actions, and sometimes even our appearances change. Yes. We will be different. We will lose some people. We will alter some relationships. And some relationships we'll lay ON the altar! We will miss out on some things. We will change. Whoever doesn't like us will be replaced by the One who loves us unconditionally. There will be things we can still do, things we now do in moderation, things we can no longer do or things we simply no longer want to do! Just like transitioning from living as a child to living as an adult, in the beginning,we will have a hard time But eventually, we will learn to live without much of what we thought we'd never make it without. And let's admit it, if it's done well, growing up can most definitely be FUN! 

Someone reading this is struggling with going to the next level. The person writing this is right there with you. I pray that today (and the day after that and the day after that) we join hands and take a leap of faith. Jumping out of our spiritual childhood and up to the next level in His work. I pray that we mature and become fearlessly faithful, ready to step up to the challenges that lay ahead to reap the ultimate rewards. I pray that in our His perfect timing, we all grow up! Be Blessed. XOXO

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