
Friday, April 6, 2018

Raindrop many of you actually said "drop top" right after reading the title? No judgement! I would have definitely done the same thing! However, this post is headed in a slightly different direction! 

The onset (not Offset) of Spring brings lots of water. 'Tis the season for many rainy days and stormy nights... 

The other day, while leaving the RedBox, it began to rain. As I sat in my car waiting for a kiosk to free up, I just stared out at it. I noticed that on my car, many of the drops were beading up and sitting almost singularly on my hood. Others were stopped short and trapped in the gutter of Walgreens, joining together to create a steady stream falling from the gutters of the store. Some were stuck on the leaves of trees and plants, but later tossed about by the blowing wind. Many others, although they came down as one drop, all alone, joined a number of other drops to form various puddles around the parking lot. It made me think about how some of us operate in life, how we move, and what the impact is. 

Years ago, there was a catchy little diddy called Make me Better, that stated, "I'm a movement by myself, but I'm a force when we're together." This is what the rain is. A single drop can only do so much. But when those drops join together, their impact is that much greater. They form steady streams, small puddles, creeks, and ponds. The more they come together the more visible they are, the more space they take up, the more they can do or become. 

It's no different in the Spirit. So often, we focus on the things that make us different. The things we disagree about become the barrier to us doing and becoming more. The truth of the matter is that all of us came into this world alone. Even if you are a twin only one of ya'll came out the chute at once, so let's just call it true: EVERYONE comes into the world alone! But if it were intended for us to stay that way, God probably would have created billions of planets so that we could each have our own!

When trying to give hope, to change lives, to increase the impact of what can be done in the Spirit, none of us is greater alone. Each of us have our own ideas, our own experiences, our own lives that will all play a part in changing the world. Sometimes, it can be more convenient and even comfortable to go at it alone, but there is power in numbers! So, make an effort to connect with the ones who can increase your impact and lengthen your reach. Go ahead. Gather your drops, form a puddle, make a splash and Be Blessed XOXO

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