If any of you are in a GroupChat, this post should take little to no explaining. My girls from back home, my college crew, my line sisters, we all have GroupChats. And the intimate levels of discussion that take place in these chats could probably end some of us if ever made public! The truth is, GroupChats provide a sense of security and openness for many of us to air some of our deepest and darkest thoughts.
Participation in a GroupChat affords us some psychological luxury. First, you typically are in a chat with people who share something in common, be it childhood friends or co-workers; so, there is a trusting relationship in place. GroupChats also provide you with a variety of viewpoints and opinions on topics that you see with tunnel vision. You will have an ally and a nemesis to help you navigate through whether or not to eat that cookie, go on that second date, or smack the hell out of your co-worker. GroupChats also provide a safe space to vent your deepest frustrations, your biggest worries, your scariest fears. On any occasion my GroupChat has kept me from quitting my job, cussing someone out, or giving up on life. GroupChats have saved marriages, saved sanity, saved lives! If someone you love is in a GroupChat, you should probably send all of its participants a thank you card because they've probably saved you!
In all seriousness, the comfort, connection, and trust we find in GroupChats is the same that we should seek in God. I know from personal experience that sometimes it can be hard to talk to God. We don't know what to say. We can't name how we feel. Or quite honestly, we sometimes forget to talk to Him all together! The Most High wants to hear our deepest, inner-most thoughts. He wants us to cast our cares on Him. He wants us to seek and ask him for the desires of our hearts. When we are struggling in our jobs, in our marriages, in our parenting, in our friendships, in our lives, God is there. Now let's be clear, this isn't in any way a call to abandon the GroupChat! If you are anything like me, you need that thang to keep you sane okay?!? But in addition to, prior to, afterward, let us not forget where our help comes from. Chat on and Be Blessed XOXO
Participation in a GroupChat affords us some psychological luxury. First, you typically are in a chat with people who share something in common, be it childhood friends or co-workers; so, there is a trusting relationship in place. GroupChats also provide you with a variety of viewpoints and opinions on topics that you see with tunnel vision. You will have an ally and a nemesis to help you navigate through whether or not to eat that cookie, go on that second date, or smack the hell out of your co-worker. GroupChats also provide a safe space to vent your deepest frustrations, your biggest worries, your scariest fears. On any occasion my GroupChat has kept me from quitting my job, cussing someone out, or giving up on life. GroupChats have saved marriages, saved sanity, saved lives! If someone you love is in a GroupChat, you should probably send all of its participants a thank you card because they've probably saved you!
In all seriousness, the comfort, connection, and trust we find in GroupChats is the same that we should seek in God. I know from personal experience that sometimes it can be hard to talk to God. We don't know what to say. We can't name how we feel. Or quite honestly, we sometimes forget to talk to Him all together! The Most High wants to hear our deepest, inner-most thoughts. He wants us to cast our cares on Him. He wants us to seek and ask him for the desires of our hearts. When we are struggling in our jobs, in our marriages, in our parenting, in our friendships, in our lives, God is there. Now let's be clear, this isn't in any way a call to abandon the GroupChat! If you are anything like me, you need that thang to keep you sane okay?!? But in addition to, prior to, afterward, let us not forget where our help comes from. Chat on and Be Blessed XOXO
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