
Monday, September 21, 2015

On the Contrary

My sons have vastly different personalities. The oldest one is very passive and understanding. It takes a lot to get him fired up, but once he's there, it can take a bit to bring him back down. The youngest one is a fire-cracker. He goes from 0 to 100...real quick! But for him, once it's's over. It's funny because my husband and I are the same way. My husband is a passive and understanding spirit. When he's vehement, it's rather surprising. I, on the other hand, have a tendency to be an immediate reactor. But, once it's done, it's done. I'm over it and ready to forge ahead.

Many people would say that my oldest son and husband have the more godly persona. They are more humble. They don't let their pride rattle their emotions. They keep it chill most of the time. I agree that there are definitely some god-type pieces to those personalities. Things that I aim to work toward because naturally, it's not who I am.

On the contrary, people might view my youngest son and I as hot-heads who aren't able to put our pride aside. There's an element of truth to that, and the effort to simmer takes time when you are used to reacting. However, I'd push back with the reality that both of these types of personalities have a place in the kingdom.

For every action, there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction. The work needs the passive and understanding spirit to bring people into the fold. To help validate people's existence and make them see the love that is God's. The work also needs the passionate ones. The immediate reactors who stand up against the persecution of the godly, who hold fast to their beliefs, and make known the will to fight for them.

Many of us have traits or personalities that the world would deem unacceptable. People who consider themselves "holy high-rollers" have this false conception that all of God's people should act the same. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. God created diversity in His people's appearances, abilities, and talents. He was not trying to create a bunch of Agent Smith's from the Matrix. He had no intentions of having all of his soldiers actually BE the same. Instead, he created a puzzle of pieces in different shapes and sizes to fit together in the most ideal way.

So, for those of you who struggle with self-acceptance, here is your starter kit. Know that every bit of who you are can be used to build the Kingdom. There will be times that you use those powers for the not-so-good, but they are still being sharpened in you as you are still being shaped by God. Those tests and trials (that we will sometimes pass and other times fail) are the way in which our spiritual personalities grow and develop. You are you for a reason. When people say, "You're too loud!" Tell them that God needs a boisterous voice in His name. When they tell you, "Stop being so soft." Remind them that the meek shall inherit the earth. When the world tells you that you must tame yourself, you must be non-reactionary, you can't be who you are...look them square in the face and tell them, "I am who I am for a reason. God made me this way to work in His Kingdom. I might not always get it right, but I know one thing for sure, I am His, beautifully and wonderfully made to fulfill His mission for my life." Do you boo, and let no one tell you otherwise. Be Blessed. XOXO

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