Being in education for over 13 years, I've been blessed to cross paths with a bunch of beautiful, brilliant minds. As I watch my earlier students' lives unfold through the grace of social media, I am in awe at who they have become...all that they have accomplished. My eldest group of students turned 30 this year, and it's hard to believe that they are "for real" adults, but they are, and they are amazing...
Dear Former Student,
I am proud of you. No matter what, I am extremely proud. You may not be where you want to be but I remember where you were. I remember your attitude, you insecurity, your failing grades, your procrastination. I remember your pimples, your heartbreak, your plagiarism, your late assignments, your "ah-ha" moments. I remember calling your mama, your lights getting cut off, what your father did to you, the babies you bore, the charges you caught, the mistakes. But I also remember your graduation, you leaving the nest and safety of my arms reach, you entering a world full of other types of "teachers" and other types of "lessons."
Some of you feel like you haven't made it yet. You think you can't. You're not sure if you will. You're tired, scared, confused, or just plain lost. You promised to stop doing this or that, yet you continue. You did some things you weren't proud of. You said some things were going to happen, but they haven't yet. You just don't feel like you have it all together...yet.
God gifts mothers and teachers and I happen to be both, so I see what you don't. I know that God has many things in store for you. Those trials, those mistakes, those hardships, those small wins all play a part on your journey to greatness. I'm proud of the parents you've become. Despite the odds, I see my babies taking care of babies being awesome moms and dads. I'm proud of the way you work. So many of you have full-time jobs and part-time jobs; you're store managers, call center supervisors, nurses, business men and women, entrepreneurs. I'm proud of the way you continue to learn and educate yourselves in college, aesthetics, yoga, real estate and so much more. I'm proud of the spouses you've become, writing a different story for you and your family than the one you saw growing up. I'm proud of the military personnel you are, working your way up the ranks, traveling the world, becoming stronger each day. I'm proud of you supporting each other along the way. You promote each other's business, you serve as the godparents to your friends' children, you walk down the aisle as a bridesmaid or groomsmen. After all these years, you continue to hold each other down.
In case you never hear if from anyone else, you are awesome. Regardless of where you are in life right now, you are right where you are supposed to be. The way you continue to push through, even when it's hard, that's faith at work. God is watching you, guiding you. Even when it feels like He's not there, the fact that you are alive while so many others aren't is proof that your mission isn't complete. You each have a purpose, and I am proud to watch them unfold.
One of the greatest gifts that God ever gave me was you...each and every one of you. Your stories, your personalities, your lives. Your beings have intertwined with mine forever. So as I watch you pursue dreams, try and fail, struggle and succeed, I just can't help but be proud. Keep grinding. Keep fighting. Keep pushing. You got this. And remember...I'm proud of you. Be Blessed. XOXO