When you and bae are at it, there's nothing worse. The mood in the house is tense. The conversations are short. The thrill is gone, but the love isn't lost. She said something out of line and you're quite frankly sick of it. He did the SAME thing he ALWAYS does, and you are over it! What happens? The war of words. The cold shoulder. The hits below the belt. The things we can't take back.The silent treatment. The anger, the defensiveness...often followed by overwhelming guilt and embarrassing shame.
However, because this is a relationship built on TRUE love. something happens over the course of time. Sometimes its within minutes. Other times its within days. But at some point, one of you softens. It could be a text message. A random physical touch or kiss. Or even a soft smile where a frown has lived for so long.
Well, we all know what happens next. Sometimes you just don't make it...to work, to church, hell to the bed (!) before you consummate your commitment to one another! There are times when the conversation of resolve becomes pillow talk after the fact because ya'll HAD to affirm one another physically!
Afterward? The mood in the house is light and airy. The laughter and flirtatious touches are frequent. Surprise text messages, sweet compliments, gazes across a room full of people, eyes locked, and a non-verbal reminder of the love you have for one another.
Now that some of ya'll are feeling all "warm" on the inside, you might be wondering, What's all this have to do with faith? Well, some of us are at odds with God. Our interaction has become infrequent. Our words with Him are short. The mood between you and the Most High is lackadaisical. He didn't bless you how you wanted. He hasn't restored you like you needed. You feel alone and abandoned. And these feelings aren't new, so...you're over it.
Let me the first to tell you, it's time to make up with God. The truth is that my most spiritually insightful encounters have come from a "falling out" with the Lord. My mom died, my husband angered me, my co-workers attacked me, the money was funny, you name it. I felt like, What's the point in being good or trying to do good when messed up stuff keeps on happening? Other times, it was me. I disobeyed God. I lost my faith, lost my connection, or quite frankly lost my mind!
Listen...God is faithful! Because of this He knows the error of our human ways. He knows that His love, mercy and favor have us spoiled, so when we get upset, we react.
However, once we soften. Once we realize how much we need Him, He's right there, ready to receive us as never before. There's something to be said about rekindling a relationship with God. You start to feel consumed by His presence. You find yourself smiling for no reason. You have an inexplicable joy, at times, even in the most paramount situations. Making up with God is making your life better. Making your life better is making your home more peaceful, making your job more bearable, making your vision more clear to live out the life He's fashioned especially for you...his special child. So, no matter how long its been, reach out, make the first move to make up with God and restore your love. Trust me, you won't regret it. Be Blessed XOXO