If there is one stark difference between the way my husband and I shop, it's the fact that he's not going to try on ANYTHING! The man is literally in and out. Meanwhile, I take my time. As the old folks say, I piddle. I sift through sale racks. I calculate discounts. And unless there's an inexplicable press for time, I try on EVERYTHING! Who feels like driving all the way back to the store for a return when you don't even have to buy the garment in the first place?? Hence, I shop alone. Ain't nobody got time to hear the hubs sucking at his teeth like he had prime rib for breakfast, and breathing all hard like he left his inhaler at home, while I try on a slew of items in an effort to maintain my fly!
Faith is very much the same way. Many Christians will disagree with what I'm about to write, and I'm cool with that. Religion is a construct through which some of us find God and develop faith. It's not a one size fits all solution to life's problems. People are going to have to "try on" some things to see if they fit. They'll take the things that do, leave the things that don't, and continue the process of adding and subtracting for their PERSONAL relationship with God as their PERSONAL journey continues. When it comes to growing in God, the main thing is that we believe. That belief will be questioned, it will be challenged, it will be mocked. That said, not every aspect of ritual and religion are made to fit everyone's faith.
However, this presents a BIG problem. Why? Because so many of us are focused on the RULES of "godly living" that we completely contradict a "godly lifestyle". I find it hard to swallow the pill that pastors spew, "Many good people are going to hell." Ummmm...why? Because they aren't "DOING" it right? They don't say the right words, wear the right clothes, or even call God by the "right" name, so therefore, hell will be their eternal home?? Nah bruh. I'm not buying any parts of that. You see, I believe that God is benevolent, all-seeing, all-knowing, yet still all-loving. I know many people who don't set foot in churches for this very reason. Yet, they do more to impact their community and live a life of love than the ones I share pews with Sunday after Sunday (well, to be honest, I got some gaps between my Sundays #realtalk #prayforyagirl).
Here's the gist: be less concerned about the differences in how someone else finds God, praises God, and tries to live for God. Be more concerned about what fits you than others. Truth be told, some of you are much like my husband. You've tried on nothing FOR YOURSELF. You're doing it because your mama did it or someone else told you to do it. But it doesn't look good on you and you should return it to sender STAT! God created you. God created me. We will not all practice the art of loving like Him and living for Him the EXACT same way. Who cares?!? His love, His light, His life is what we are trying to show and share. He made us all differently. So, why would we expect for this act of "godliness" to look the same? Love others for who He is sculpting them to be, whether you "get it" or not. In the meantime, be your most beautiful self in Him and continue to Be Blessed XOXO