
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Walking Billboard

Social media is both a gift and a curse. I see so many wonderfully happy couples, cute and bubbly kids, amazing community events, and sometimes I even get nuggets of wisdom or sound spiritual counsel. However, I also get a front-row seat to all the ills of the world-the pain, the struggle, the evil. One thing I've noticed over the years is that social media can have a negative affect on our psyche, especially when we view the seeming success of others and compare it to ourselves...deeming us false failures.

Here's the deal, few people are willing to be a walking billboard of their pain. Most people aren't going to post anything about the bad times in their lives. Families don't take photos with frowns and tears. People don't post their bus pass because they can't afford a car. No one is taking a selfie in the unemployment line. There aren't many people who are going to log onto Facebook to post a video of them arguing with their spouse, so we assume that the images of the wedding cake, the cutesie family photos, and the long, heart-felt "Happy Anniversary" posts are it. Well as a happily married woman, IT'S NOT! The scripture of Shanelle states, "That man worketh a nerve!" And the word according to Darnell says, "That woman containeth much crazy!"

I mean c'mon, we want the world to know when things are going well. And sometimes even when they aren't, we want to keep up the facade so that other people will BELIEVE that we are living the happiest life with no problems or worries. You see, we are all willing to be walking billboards for the good times. Don't believe the hype! People aren't going to broadcast their shame, their embarrassment, their fear, their insecurities, but WE ALL HAVE THEM!  The images that burn themselves into our minds and tell us: they have a better car, they have a better job, they live in a better house, they have a better marriage, they have a better body, or they even have a greater relationship with God, are a scheme...they are not real. Someone else's success isn't your failure. Someone else's accomplishment isn't your downfall. Someone else's victory is NOT your defeat. YOU are a walking billboard for YOUR journey. Tell YOUR story. Embrace YOUR hills and YOUR valleys without envying the top of someone else's mountain!

Trust me when I tell you that envy is crippling to walking in God's promises. Feeling like we are less than someone else is counter to His message in our hearts. We are beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We are not to compare ourselves to one another (2 Corinthians 10:12), and we are more valuable to God than anything else (Matthew 10:31). Be Blessed, and if you need a reminder of how awesome you are, despite how many likes or loves someone else gets, check out this page for encouragement:  XOXO

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Taste the Rainbow

Yesterday, it rained. It was one of those weird, warm-weather rains. You know, where the sun is still out, yet the drops fall softly...steadily. In the midst of the subtle shower, my youngest exclaims, "Mama! A rainbow!" I looked to my left and there it was: a big, beautiful rainbow. Not the faint kind, but the clear type with unmistakable colors streaking the hazy evening sky. It was basically amazing!

He went on to explain, "I seen that at my school aaaannnd in my room."
"What are you talking about?" I as.ed,
He responded matter-of-factly, "You 'member the boat with the animals on the water? In my Bible? My teacher said that too on Monday."

Then, I remembered we'd read the story of Noah on Tuesday before bed, which was clearly a reinforcement of his circle time at school on Monday! This little dude was equating what he saw in the sky with what he learned at home and school, which to a teacher is an advanced academic skill! He was making connections! And at that moment, I had one of my own.

God placed the rainbow in the sky as a reminder of His promises to Noah, his family, and the world. Sometimes, we are in an inexplicable funk. Other times, we are in a legitimately rough place. Regardless, if we are in a soft storm, a thunderstorm, or our own personal hurricane, God will still remind us of His promises. He uses people, events, and things around us to remind us that no matter how bad it gets, He has promises that He plans to fulfill in each and every one of our lives.

That rainbow meant so much more than pretty colors to me yesterday. I've often forgotten that God promised me so much. Not because I deserve it, but because it is His will for my life. Not because of who I am or what I've done, but because He is God. Negativity can make us develop amnesia of the things that we've been promised. Set-backs can cause lapses in our memory about the things God whispers into our souls. Wherever you are in life, search for the rainbow...remind yourself that God has promised to love you, forgive you, restore you, redeem you, anoint you, protect you, keep you, provide for you, encourage you, promote you, abide in you, bless you...Be Blessed. XOXO