Some of us are in a season of struggle right now. We are so tired that we can't wait for God to send us relief. We feel like we've been fighting the same battle for so long that it almost seems impossible for our situation to change. We are tired of waiting for that promotion at work. We are tired of getting calls from our children's school We are exhausted with our spouse and their foolish ways. We don't have enough money, patience, or blood-pressure medicine to hold on much longer! We are growing weary.
When we reach these times in life, it's hard to trust God. Our faith dwindles. Our lights dim. Our hope begins to fade. When people around us are in this space, it can become difficult to encourage them because we TOTALLY agree with them! Even we are looking up to the heavens like, "C'mon God! Relieve them already!" We ourselves have grown tired simply watching them fight and hold on and pray and hold on and fall and fail and hold on and wait and hold on some more.
The Word tells us a few things about being in this time:
1. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)
2. There is rest for the weary... (Matthew 11:28)
3. Do no grow weary in doing good for in due time... (Galatians 6:9)
4. All of my help comes from the Lord. (Psalms 121:2)
5. He has made everything beautiful...IN ITS TIME. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
It's in these times we have no other choice then to pray and stand. In this waiting period, tears are normal, so cry. In this holding time, anger is natural, so scream. In these still moments, asking God the tough questions get us to the well-deserved rewards. If you're here right now, or you've ever been here, you know it feels like forever. But once the sweet relief of the Lord comes, we find that we have been reshaped, molded into a stronger, more grateful, more humble version of former selves.
Here's a playlist of encouragement to help remind us that in due time, we will be rewarded:
God is preparing us for the blessings He has in store for us. We can't receive relief until He deems us ready. Hold on brothers and sisters. I know the rope feels thin. I know it looks like a long way up, but God PROMISED to never leave you nor forsake you. Trust that. Trust Him. And prepare yourself to Be Blessed. XOXO